Thursday, May 29, 2008

school camp!

listening >> Taking Chances by Celine Dion

hey bloggies...
long time no update...
kinda busy after camp..
wow~ Camp was great!
had so much fun there...
we went for night walk on the 1st day..
jungle tracking on the second day~
amazing race on the third!
we had so so so much fun..!!!
our school teachers was so Sporting!!!!!
especially.. Pn Murugrami
haha... those feciratators were the best i ever met!
"hands down"!
we learn so much...
exciting programs...
even though sleeping time...
we went and gamble!
yea.... because they didnt brought money..
so we used biscuit as chips...
bloody hell!
i ate so many pieces of biscuits!!!
guess for sometime....
then... the night of cultural night was so damn fun!
everyone enjoyed...
it was the best night in da camp!!

look.. is...... nothing~

goyang goyang...~zzz
picture of the day..gang bang..!

tang tang tang tang....

Monday, May 26, 2008


listening >> Take A Bow by Rihanna

ok... my mood went so much better now...
miracles does happens...
Thank You...
camp is tomoro...
finally finished packing...
kinda excited...
it has been...
so many years tat i never go camp adi...
almost 7 years i think...
since i transfer to EMC
i never wanted to go camp anymore...
hope everything will be fine in camp!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


listening >> 不能说的秘密 by 周杰伦

"thanks, who are you?"

25th Of May

listening >> 崇拜 by 粱静茹

today... is 25th of may......right?
felt lonely today...
it was always a special day today..
and all of us will gather together to celebrate this day..
but today.... this celebration ain't included me anymore..
i will never get to enjoy the celebration again..
the only thing i can do is to wish all the best in everything...

"Happy Birthday, Steph"

Saturday, May 24, 2008

drunk night...

listening >> Pocket Full Of Sunshines by Natasha Bedingfield

yesterday... as usuals... sunway pyramid...
we went for Narnia!
damn... never knew tat it was so nice...
haha... because i also didn't see the 1st Narnia...
Prince Caspian is so damn fucking..... HOT...
King Edmund is so good looking..
we sat the couple sits... damn it was so nice...
i dont mind sitting there again...
the sits are bigger and more comfortable... haha
after tat we went to starbucks...
Jane wanted to get drunk...
neither am i...
so we both went to get a jug of beer...
i guess because i was doing something else...
thats why i got drunk...
1 jug wont get me tat drunk...
we were crapping like no one's business!
wat the fuck!
i found out tat....
we both.. really understand each other..
cause is like...
we agrees with it..
yea... we agree!
so we became "Heng Dai"!!!!

sincers apologies to queenie, sheh li and yan..

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

sweating .... swt ah!!!

listening >> Break The Ice by Britney Spears

why i am staying in malaysia?!!!
why malaysia is so damn ucking hot!!!!
from morning... i'v been sweating all day long!
damn it man!
freaking hot!!!
dont blame me because i always use the swt emo!!!
cause is really freaking damn fucking hot!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

10 reasons i dont want to be home..

listening >> Over You by Chris Daugtry

10 reasons i dont want to be home!

1. my mom's nags non stop!
2. my dad doesn't care about wat the hell is happening
3. my brother annoys me when he have nothing to do!
4. no privacy!!
5. no topics wit my parents!
6. i am always the 1st one to be suspect if anything goes wrong!
7. disturb me with no bloody reasons!
8. fake talks!!
9. empty promises!!!
10. ditch me up on with issues (aka... none of my bloody business)

1 reasons i want to be in Yan's house!

1. the "family" word exist!


you see... 1 reason is enough to describe how much i wanna stay with others..!
doubt this is hurting!
but i dont see the "family" meaning among my family...
the 1st step i enter my house!
my mom damn started to nag me...
my dad called yan cause he cant get me...
and it should be... the numbers are suppose to be deleted from his phone (which was use to be mine)
at the end he gave it to me and i was deleting all the numbers tat belongs to me...
after tat... he fucking snatch the damn phone away..
i was bloody not fucking finish deleting those numbers!
what the crap!
evon, looong kun, yan, ying, and so much more numbers was inside!
i was so angry cause he saved Steph's number as well!
why on earth you need her number for?!!!!!
She ain't talking to me anymore!
for fucks you save her number?
if i am lost or wat so ever shit!
you think i would stand a bloody chance together with her?!
this is driving me crazy!!!
privacy huh?!!!
kick my ass if i have 1 at home!!!!

i would love to move out and stay with someone else tat who provides me "PRIVACY"!


listening >> Bye Bye by Mariah Carey

didn't sleep well yesterday night!
kinda sad tat my grandma dowana talk to me yesterday.
guess my mom simply said something until she gone so mad!!!
heart break la...!!!!!!!
yesterday dinner suck to the max!!!!
everyone was picking outta me!!!
what the damn fuck man!!!!
fine! give up... tats why i sat in a corner msging!
i guess i am going crazy!!!
went to "aquaria" yesterday morning with yan and da family..
kit kit was so scared until he didnt wanna walk..~ hahaha!!!!!!!!
well... i think tats all.....

-popo..... dont be angry la...!!!!-

Saturday, May 17, 2008


listening >> Sexy Can I by Ray J feat Yung Berg

mid term almost over!!!
haha... still got 1 more Art paper to go...
3 hours of drawing!
no problem la...
erm.... nothing much happen these days...
to old to get started!
maybe after SPM! i'll turn young again!
yup nothing happen... haha...
tats all...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


listening >> Leavin' by Jesse McCartney

just came back from da doctor....
this time... gotta go ENT!!!!!
my gastric is bloody killing me!!!
and the doc say is ok... nothing wrong..
i wonder....
wat if something goes wrong again!
wont it be to late to regret when i found out?!
NEVER MIND la... my parents are giving me stupid excuses by the way...
its alright you noe! cause you are not the one who is suffering..!
baked a cake today...
for someone...
hope tat person like it...
long time never do such thing...
kinda tired....
doctor say i am stress out... so how?!

Monday, May 12, 2008

all in 1

listening >> Our Song by Taylor Swift

didnt really went online these days...
busy busy busy...
yesterday was mother's day...
it was like.... ok~
went for dinner with the whole family...
didn't really enjoyed..
cause my uncle was like...
argh!!! what the fuck!!!!
i dowanna talk about it..!
so its like... yea.. he is the 1 who cause something!
when to Law Yat to get some media stuffs...
haha... i love to shop there!
they have everything i want!
today's stephen's b'day!
Happy Birthday!
well..... hope tat he wont be such a asshole this year... HAHA!!!
at least.. we wont fight tat much this year...
i am getting old and blur...
my nose bleed again!
argh!! sick of it!
flu drop by and doesn't wanna fucking leave me!
tomoro science...
still got a few more papers to go!
AH!!!! i hate ECONS!!!!
but gotta study for it...!

Iron man!!!!!!

i went for Iron Man wit my dad and bro-s on saturday night..while my mom was enjoying her mother's day buffet in KL..
Omg!!! he's body is SO-DAM-HOT!!!!
this is like.. the best super hero muvie!
damn... i would love to own his workshop underneath his house!!!!
and his Audi!

ok.. tats all....

Saturday, May 10, 2008

facial... weewoo... PAIN AH!

listening >> Push by Enrique Iglesias

haha...yesterday i didnt go to school.
cause it was like...
i will be going for a stupid PJK paper which is not counted in the mid year marks.
and the paper its like only 45 minutes!
i went to facial in the afternoon.
GOD!!!! Zainab killed me yesterday....
damn.. my face is ruin by her ah!!!!!!
HAHAHA... just kidding!
yea... but it was really pain when she press my (i dont noe wats that called )
its fucking asshole pain!!!
went yam cha at night...
jane came along..!
queenie, vicky, sheh li and more...
yea... it was... erm erm erm... ok la..!
i nose bleeded at night leh...
scare me to death!
i thought it was like the last time...
bleed non stop until i need to go to the clinic!
but its ok la... 1st aider mah!
no problem geh!
yalor.. nothing much la...!
like tat loh...

Friday, May 9, 2008

english almost sux

listening >> Innocence by Avril Lavigne

phew... english was... ok ok...
i have no mood to do paper 1's last question...
got sick with that stupid topic!!!
i went home...
didnt eat my lunch
and i felt asleep while waiting for a msg...
woke up at almost 5 something...
then went out to somewhere...
my parents went to oug pasar malam..
and the bought me "Chao Taufu"
so damn happy...
long time never eat adi neh!
Chi Gek!!!
yeahu!!! tomoro going facial~
and yam cha....with the sunway college frens...
Geng Ah!!!!

-ma ma dei la!-

-i found a kari kai,hehe-

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

moral Suxz!

listening >> Better In Time by Leona Lewis

OK!!! today was fucking boring...
i only hav moral paper today..
and its like..... after recess!!!!!
all these while... i was just sitting there...nothing nothing..
then... wahaha... thank god i brought the ipod along..
lim beh will not be blogging here adi la..!
my brain will be like... full of mushrooms!
after tat...
moral paper...
KNS man!!!
open the paper!
wanna sleep adi...
then curi curi put my earphones on and started working..
not for long...
no mood to finish it...
so i just left the last 2 pages of essay blank!!
suddenly...while we are still having our exam..
murali took a paper from the rubbish bin..
Aluna wrote it man...
so many things about ying kit!
Yeah! She have a crush on Him!
so we past and past and past until the whole class saw...
thank god Aluna went back earlier... cause she wasn't feeling well..
all i remember about the note was "Aluna-Ying Kit = Negative Love"
from front to bak.. everyone was laughing like hell..
i think Pn. Azita noe's something about it.. HAHAHA
well... good luck ying kit!

-moral sux to the max-

"i need you more then i need anyone in this world"

Monday, May 5, 2008

mid term!

listening >> Love In This Club by Usher feat Young Jeezy

mid term exam finally started today...
today's paper- BM!!!
paper 2... half dead!
paper 1... ok ok la...
haiz.... another 3 weeks!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

return wit a lil pride...

listening >> Sister Rose by Kenny G

still awake...
just finished " Ah Long PTE LTD "
haha.. a nice comedy...
went back to my primary school this morning.
i lost my way..
i found out.. tat most of the teachers are new..
cant find those teachers tat used to teaches us last time..
me and tjun git went back to teach Marching..
funny thing is... our chinese is like (gave it all bak to our chinese teachers)
when the teacher asked us wat was our primary school was..
we were "er... Yak Chee... hehe"
i cant tell which is left and right in chinese...
same goes to tjun git..
kinda proud going back..
cause i was a naughty kid when i was in there..
and now, when i go bak.. i am going bak as a senior, a sergeant..
it makes a big difference... after so many years..
my life changed alot these few years..
from a problem kid to a DO...
wat a big difference after all...
i guess if my class teacher knew i was bak to teach...
she probably will freak out...
because i gave her tonz of shitz while i was 10-12..

it seems tat i am losing control of myself..
wonder wat will i do if i really lose control..

Friday, May 2, 2008

birthday Gals..

listening >> Shake Your Pom Poms by Missy Elliot

haha... today is my Precious's burf day!!
Happy Birthday, Evon!
hope you like your present...
i guess she will... cause its a Ipod Shuffle!

yesterday went and work in Walk In...
mico needed help...
so go help help loh..
very tired!

so... today... kinda fun...
Kai Ling bought a cake for evon, and we celebrated her b'day in her class with the other Yvonne!
"the Evon's"
then we played water after school...
this is a trandision in our school...
the burf day gal/boy will be dead wet by end of the day...
evon have the same privillage too!
and i kena balik!

there was a taklimat for the up coming school camp after exam...
haha... pn. Murugrama went high i guess!
why the school must find a jungle which they say is very "MANG"?
haha... wanna scare us all to death?

haha... i think tats all for da day!
damn tired...
slept the damn whole day...


Thursday, May 1, 2008

last minute call

Listening >> Dance Like There Is No Tomorrow by Paula Abdul feat Randy Jackson

haha... so damn tired...
just came back from starbucks!
met some new friends over there..
especially Jane... walao!
damn short neh!!!!
but she is... erm... dont noe how to describe!
haha... had fun over there...
i came bak and Mico called me up!
he was like.. carol... we need you tomoro...
haha... yeah... the top sales is wanted!! wahaha
call around.. and finally... i got E von back to work wit me for 1 day...
i miss her so much!!!!!!!!
so going back to work tomoro..
wanna earn some money!
didnt spend much!
only a cup of frap!!!