Sunday, May 31, 2009

31th May 09

listening >> No Boundaries by Kris Allen

well, long time no update.. kinda rotten d..
it was a busy week last week...
i had my BKA presentation on thursday,
it was scary, because we gotta present in BM!!!
OMG! thank god everything went well,
and we got 28/30 marks!
not bad la!!! lolz...
then this following 2 weeks is called " week of hell"
2 big projects in hand,
1. graphic events midterm project.
2. a business proposal.
dead week,
haha.. but thank god!!!
after this we are going to penang again!!!
this time it will be fun!

some pics from the BKA presentation

poser shit
being cici because baby want me too
where is my head?!
Dr.Tan , Pengerusi Bao, Puan How


edit... she ask me to post 1.....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

24 May 09

listening >> Meditation by Olivia Ong

give me 10 explainations about what it means by a normal relationship

1. No overnites.
2. No vacations together.
3. No commitments
4. No promises
5. No rules.
6. No kisses and huggies in public
7. 100% privacy.
8. 30% of secrets shared.
9. No touching
10. Just being normal

" If you meant a normal relationship, that means this relationship will end soon, in a relationship, there is nothing called "A Normal Relationship" because every relationship is something unique, those memories you gain together, it will never be the same. If you know it wont last, then just let it go before it gets ugly. "

define a normal relationship to me...
i search the internet too..
deep down, you just broke my heart again.
well... is okay. cause its meant to be broken..
tell me,
how long will we last this time?
its a normal relationship is what you want..
okay, A Normal Relationship you have.

Friday, May 22, 2009

22 May 09

listening >> Hatin on the club by Rihanna

well... having diarrhea these few days..
dam.!!! maybe is because of the "no smoking for 3 weeks" thing...
maybe my body is not use to "not smoking"...
good lord.. i have been suffering like mad these days!
suppose to go home after UHTI class today,
but after that i decided to stay for Entre class and project work~
great news! I pass my UHTI midterm test~
hmm... its consider okay cause i didnt really study...
nothing much happen these days,
just felt lonely sometimes...
is like why the whole world is picking on me?!
i need a life~ assignments is killing...

Monday, May 18, 2009

18 May 09

listening >> Waking Up In Vegas by Katy Perry

yesterday nite

Me : Mom, i twisted my leg...~
Mom : Why are you so careless?! you noe if you injured your old wound again how much trouble you will cause again?!
Me : it was too dark, i couldn't see the stairs!
Mom : You should had be more careful...
Me : "fed up" can you bring me to see the doctor tomoro?
Mom : You 1st Aider wat~ like you dont noe what to do? you can handle yourself isn't it?

then after that, i walked off....
sometimes, i just want a lil bit of love and care...
but why everyone doesn't seems to show it to me?
maybe is a small matter to them...
by not showing care and support and love...
i wonder...
do they really noe how i feel?
at the end of the day,
i went to guardian, bought some medicine..
got home and rub myself,
my mum is fed up helping me to rub my wounds~
darling is at home playing pet society~
who is willing to pity me?!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Penang Trip

listening >> Lucky by Jason Mraz feat Colbie Caillat

as everyone knows,
DEMT Jan09 students were busy for the Teacher's Day Event last friday...
hahaha, finally.. it was a success!
everything went well...
after that... we head straight up to penang for a weekend break....
so the main purpose of going to penang is just FOOD!
we had so much fun,
we ate good, cheap seafood, ate more good food at Gurney Drive, when to Sunset Bistro, and walk...
so overall..
we had fun!
i love every single moment when we were in Penang..

Penang Album
Me and my babylobster dinner its the same lobster.Watching the sunset in Sunset Bistro
its beautiful for a reason!
on the bus!
she farted...
i was just acting!
i am rubbing my nose this time... and.. she farted~

Monday, May 4, 2009

4th May 09

listening >> Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas

Haven't been eating for a few days,
no mood to eat,
you noe why!
i went to wang leehom concert last nite,
it was a great concert,
but leehom looked like an ant to me,
cause the stage was like freaking far..
but overall it was nice,
his Bahamut shocked all of the 26000 people in the stadium.
the sound is so unique!
anyway, it was evon's 18th Birthday!
she was kinda down yesterday,
hope she will be fine soon.

i miss you!