Monday, July 27, 2009

27th July 09

listening >> The Climb by Miley Cyrus

In people's eyes, Jen is always tough,
I will always smile,
it seems that i never get sad at all..
right this moment,
I just want to cry my pain out loud.
i cant remember how it feels to be in love,
i cant remember what was it like to be happy,
those happy memories,
i cant think of one,
itst just scenes of fights and fights running around my head.
its not how to settle,
i just want to tell you that i am sad,
this is my answer,
my simple answer.

who will understand what i am going through right now?
who's shoulder will be open for me to lean and cry on,
i just want to noe how it feels to be in love again.
just this once.

Monday, July 20, 2009

20th July 09

listening >> Obsessed by Mariah Carey

WOW... my holidays are bored like hell..
cousin's back... but the problem is... my aunt is back with her..
which is annoying... and bugging me non stop...
wasn't quite happy these days..
i just came back from Melaka yesterday evening..
a whole 24 family members gather...
its like... wow... i could not imagine wat is like when we head back to China this year end...
it will be like a freaking tour..
had some fun in Melaka... with the seafood, it makes my day...
surprisingly, i met Kimbee in Melaka... lolz...
had alot of food... really alot...
its like we are having a food tour around Melaka,
we went to the night market in Jonker Street after seafood dinner, then we ate some famous cendol...
the second day was like, weird noodles - melaka chicken rice - Tan Kim Hock Durian cendol - ice cream - satay..
its so obvious i am getting fat.... Shit..
we took alot of pictures..
shall update it in Facebook soon..
well... thats all for this post.. i am feeling sleepy.
ohya.. another 10 days to langkawi!
weewoo... ciggies.. HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Ah Yeng Jeje

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

15 July 09

listening >> American Sweetheart by Fall Out Boys

Finally, I am having my one month break.. weewoo...
it is quite boring..
i have nothing to do...
no outings no activities...
die loh... feel like dying...
finally finished my Semester 2..
looking back at those pictures... hahaha...
very funny...
Me in class...
Pris and me...
Experience Roland Event
Bao Bao and me
Darling and me
Celebrating our final day of exam in red box
errr.. i dont noe what am i posing for...
"za-ing" kelvin's Bo
Shanice and me...
this is the gang tat gang bang me by letting me sing 4 words in 1 song, and most of the songs is in chinese which i dont know.. so let me see.. i only managed to sing 3 songs tat day..

Friday, July 10, 2009

10th July 09

listening >> Heal The World by Michael Jackson

i am quite moody right now...
its my last paper for Sem 2..
god! i cant remember a single thing through out the whole book...
my mood just like went to the worse mood ever!!!
this is like the 1st time i feel like crying because of my studies!
over stress!
God! please help me!!!
wonder if i could pass my paper...
dam.. it just seems so hard!
i am tired! i want to sleep
i guess i gotta stay up all nite to study...
feel like killing myself...
i nearly cried while i was hugging Gabe...
dam emo right now..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th July 09

listening >> 25 To Life by JoJo

its over.
3th July 09.
everything has called to an end.
its all over now..
i just lost my words.
i wont explain anything.
this relationship comes to an end.