Sunday, November 30, 2008

Its Sean!

listening >> If You Leave by Musiq Soulchild feat Mary J Blige

kinda tired yesterday...
so today i slept until 1pm..
went to Shoik as usual..
met Gabby and Hans for dinner..
Gabby's dad came along..
he is nice...
he treat me for dinner.. (thanks Uncle)
after that...
Sean called Gabby..
they had plans..
suddenly Gabby passed the phone to me..
talked to Sean..
it was funny..
while we were talking..
suddenly he was like "damn! i never seen a big lizard in my house before!"
i was like... "wat the fuck?"
he came...
and suddenly Gabby told Sean that Rebecca and the sis want to come out..
so Lucas wants to join cause he cant drive out..? or watever reasons la..
Sean send me home to change cause he ask me to join him..
by the time i came bak to Shoik..
i saw Lucas..
after that...
Sean said he doesnt want to go..
then Lucas was like...
hey, you coming?
i was like... "i'm following Sean's car.. so if he goes i'll go"
lucas went.. " go la... we are not ditching you.."
i dont care you guys la..
i just feel more comfortable hanging out wit Sean and Hans la..
so we went together to Rebecca's house..
then.. Sean told them we are not going..
at the end... Hans hopped into our car..
and we went to Nathans for tea...
Sean is a cute dude..!
told us many funny stories la..
my head is like... aching right now..
so i better get my ass to bed...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

real story

listening >> I'll Been Loving You Long Time by Mariah Carey feat T.I

long time didnt blog...
SPM is almost over...
1 more paper to go..
2 Dec.. i will fly..!
many things had happen this few weeks..
i fought wit Lucas and the gang..
i left the gang...
it was a long story...
something like....
they wanted to ditch me off for the other plans..
but they didnt... but i felt tat..
and i found out..
kinda sad and disappointed about the whole situation.
at the beginning.. i really was so disappointed tat i barely slept for 2 days..
2 days after tat...
alex called me, and he said he Lucas wants to see us and settle everything once and for all..
but when i arrived,
what i saw was Rebecca and Heather with the whole gang sitting together..
i thought for a sec...
hey... if you wanna settle... why u guys bring chicks along?
if you bring them along..
why call me out and settle everything..
come on... be a man la.
settle it with those who are involved...
i was really angry when i saw those gals there...
not because i am jealous..
but i just think, settle it like a man la!
Lucas and Gabby dare not come to say hi,
so they called Alex to come over to invite me and yan to the other table.
i said is alright cause i dont feel like sitting with them...
Lucas and Gabby finally came over..
i didnt say hi...
and then Lucas got pisted..
end of tat day..
i finally couldn't stand this crap anymore..
so i called Lucas and Gabby to come for a talk..
apparently, i dont noe what had happen..
it seems tat Lucas's parents found out he had quit his job in Shoik..
Leo came to Shiok to have a drink...
so we bum into each other and sat together..
Leo noe tat he had quit his job..
so happen Lucas drop Hans over to Shoik..
and he saw we talking...
he went home..
and he was mad about us telling his brother tat he quit his job..
but we didnt...
he got pisted and came to Shoik with the whole gang.
we settle everything today...
but i dont noe why was he lying all these while..
whats the point of lying?
i dont noe what good advantage that he gets...
but to me... its all bullshits.
the best part of the whole settlement was.....
suddenly, Lucas say...
The problem started wit Rebecca...
i was like.... "why say so?"
he went "its obvious, you and Alex were acting weird tat time"
i said " what you mean...? you think i am hitting on her?"
gabby and lucas said "yea!"
in my brains was like.. "swt! what the fuck?!!! come on... this is funny... i talk to gals like tat.... i always do so..."
but maybe they haven't see me talk to gals be4... thats why they think like tat la...
all i want is just to make friends and have fun..
why are they thinking so far away?!
what... so they think i am good enough tat Rebecca will fall for me?
if i want..
all i noe right now is....
Alex is a bitch la...
he is just another asshole...
Lucas and Gabby said that they dowan to ruin friendships...
but what were you guys doing to me these while?
trying to Ditch me Off from the gang...!
come on...
if it wasn't for me... you guys wont be friends...
but fine... i told them i wont go out with them anymore...
until now... i am yet still disappointed on Lucas...
well... dont talk about tat anymore la..
i went to sunway today...
it was kinda fun..
met Melanie,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SPM time table!

listening >> Love Story by Taylor Swift

ok ok...
1stly.. i wanna say...
whoever took part in planning the SPM time table this year..
Fuck You all....
how could you time it together while 2 papers are having at the same time!
Stupid! wear a specs la!!!
today was Arts 1..
we were quite cool...
around 2.30pm (half an hour later)
when the teacher said "sesiapa yang siap dan nak keluar, sila datang ke depan"
quoter of us just stood up and walk to the table in front..
pn.Chu was standing outside asking us...
why come out so early..
well.. i planned to leave at 2.30pm from the very beginning..
so i called yan to wait for me at 2.30pm to fetch me home..
i thought i have a 12 day break...
but the Paper 2 for Arts remains the same date and same time..
so i gotta go bak to school to draw next week!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


listening >> Crush by David Archulata

well... is almost the ending for spm for me...
today will start at 2.30...
damn it...
yesterday night we went to Nathan's for SiSha!!!
my 1st time..
and its good!
we ordered mix fruit plus mint...
it was nice..
water was licking from my nose..
but it was good...
headed home..
and i couldn't sleep...
around 4 something..
i only manage to get some rest..
but haiz...
got a bad night mare..
until i got shock and woke up..
and now....
i gotta get ready for my moral paper..
see you guys soon!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


listening >> Shake It by Metro Station

ok... things went wrong..
did i tell you my dad caught me smoking straight for 2 days?!
yea... i think i didnt tell you guys.. dad didnt tell my mum...
but... kinda scary now...
finally i am scared of something..
i am afraid of many things..
but just i wont tell you!
i dont noe why am i not tat afraid of things right now..
maybe i am leaving school...
so its like,
i wont get caught for something bad...
i have many things i didnt tell you bloggies..
why dont...
i tell everything today?

1st. I smoke
2nd. I am dating someone for sometime..
3rd. I'm an alcoholic!

well... is kinda only 1.2.3
haha.. sorry..
my mum brought me to LowYat Plaza today..
she said there was a PC fair going on..
so she asked me to check it out..
cause i will be getting 1 year end..
so i was looking around for Laptops..
I decided to aim for Sony Viao..
but mummy dont let!!!!!!
there was another few brands..
i think i will buy either Dell or Compact..
Acer is outta my list cause my uncle is using it..
he was like showing off his damn Laptop when he 1st brought it,
"my laptop got build in Camera.."
and continue bla-ing..
so... i am going to buy a better, nicer, hotter, cooler, than him!
i- such a child! hahahaha

=Picture Of The Day=

Friday, November 14, 2008


listening >> What Cha Thinking About That by Pussycat Dolls feat Missy Elliot

i finally noe how the meaning of Cups in B.R.A type!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Spm had started!!!

listening >> That's What You Gets by Paramore

it had arrived...
the papers was.... ok...
4 down, 4 more to go!
it was kinda fun...
cause i would be throwing book from my staircase..
" A throw book ceremony!"
the 1st and 2nd day of SPM was tiring..
today was better...
i ended my paper around 11.10am..
so i left the classroom..
and went home..
slept until 5.30pm..
wow.... am i tat tired?
Yes i am!

Friday, November 7, 2008

last memories from high school

listening >> Just Stand Up by Various Artist

Yesterday was the last day of school for me..
and all the form 5 from our school..
in the morning..
the 1st step of walking into school again..
it was like.... scary...
cause there is only form 5 students in school...
the school was empty...
walking around...
memories appears...
thinking bak...
when i was just form 1...
and now...
3 more weeks to leave this school..
i think i might miss the old days in high school wit my frens..
we shook hands wit most of the teachers in school for the last time..
Pn.Ilmia and Pn. Fauziah nearly cried when they saw me..
we hugged...
i think they were the teachers tat loved me in school...
Pn. Hanu was so damn fake..!
haha... just make me laugh...
took tonz of pictures...
our last memories in high school...

well.. this is my high school...
group pic!!
seriously... i dont noe what i was doing...!
dreamdude?..david and evon..
i really dont noe wat i was doing...i guess i wanted to become superman?show off!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hector Olivera

listening >> Today by Joshua Radin

WOO! can believe it...
SPM is in another 6 days?
yea i guess so...
well... was kinda busy these days...
worked for a concert in KLCC Convention Centre wit my dad and lucas and Yan..
it was.... wow! cool~
i spend the whole day in KLCC....
had good food through out the day...
Thanks to Catherine!
fall sick the other day.. haha...
i was kinda busy tat day...
runing in and out...
calling those KLCC workers to do things...
kinda fun doing tat..
I love Events!
so... yea!!!
the Organist was Hector Olivera
A great great person..
very funny dude...
he is one of the greatest organist in the the world...
he is from Argentina..
the songs he plays was tremendous...
the played "Fight Of The BumbleBee"
it was... freaking FAST!!!
with hands and legs together..
he also played "Dont Cry For Me Argentina"
it was so touched!!!
i gotta go now!