Tuesday, August 11, 2009

11th August 09

listening >> Paparazzi by Lady GaGa

its suppose to be 92 days from today,
but it sounds like forever to me.
or maybe its really forever.
if u are happy, then i should not be greedy.
i should let you go, because u are the world to me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

10th August 09

listening >> My Love by Mariah Carey feat The Dreamz

I'm okay.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

6 August 09

listening >> Butterfly Fly Away by Miley Cyrus feat Billie Ray Cyrus

after the Langkawi trip,
basically everything is back to normal,
wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, eat, sleep.
what a boring holiday.
i'm a bored person.
looks like everything around me is screwing up lately.
my love life,
my life,
and more...
can someone hold me tight.?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Langkawi Trip 2009

listening >> I Wish You Knew by Mariah Carey

hey people,
i am back from my Langkawi Trip with some of my course mates.
we had alot of fun laughing, making noise, and getting crazy...
we took almost 400 pictures through of the whole trip,
this is just a small part of it...
its kinda mix up,
i am lazy to rearrange it... lolz...

we went to Pulau Payar for Snorkeling
and we look like idiots.
on the flight back to KL
we have to get up way early every morning, cause everyone fights for the toilet.
having our last dinner in Langkawi at Tang Long restaurant, the food is really good.
on the way to Pulau Payar, the ship was going way fast, so our hair is a total mess.
inside the ship... or maybe ferry?
me and my boo
i can explain about my look... it was 7.45 tat morning..!!
i slept in the bus.... hehe
we went to Underwater World, and i dont noe wat the hell i was doing
acting cold but its not...
Inside the Tropical Forest with tat parrot who only knows how to say Hello
we made a trip down to the jetty just to take the eagle picture to prove we are at Langkawi
as usual, acting gay and destroying the picture.
group picture.
i dont noe whos leg was it. but its defenately not mine. cause i am still sleeping

in the condo... those gal wake up dam early..
the moment we arrived in Langkawi.
i noe our room is messy.. cause there is 7 ppl inside.. with 1 toilet.!
pris and me in Palmview.

gay sucker~
just wanna be cooler than those birds~
acting cute but it doesnt work
group picture with tat eagle.
Okay, i am in Langkawi~
bullying Bao!
2 0.5 taking picture together it make 1.
somehow we are doing stupid pose
another picture with the flight.. god~ like we never been on a flight before!
its our shadows in the waves..
in the ship...
and i look stupid.

okay, so its fun...
had a great time in langkawi with the group.
was smoking my lungs out..
cause the ciggrates and alcohols are dam bloody cheap...
all we know is just buy buy buy.... lolz....
we went snorkerling and after that we jump into the swimming pool in the hotel.
it was like... OMG! TIRED!!
i spend almost a 1000 bucks there...
we only noe how to make lots of noise there.... talk the whole nite like nobodies business...
it was just a awesome trip..

Monday, July 27, 2009

27th July 09

listening >> The Climb by Miley Cyrus

In people's eyes, Jen is always tough,
I will always smile,
it seems that i never get sad at all..
right this moment,
I just want to cry my pain out loud.
i cant remember how it feels to be in love,
i cant remember what was it like to be happy,
those happy memories,
i cant think of one,
itst just scenes of fights and fights running around my head.
its not how to settle,
i just want to tell you that i am sad,
this is my answer,
my simple answer.

who will understand what i am going through right now?
who's shoulder will be open for me to lean and cry on,
i just want to noe how it feels to be in love again.
just this once.

Monday, July 20, 2009

20th July 09

listening >> Obsessed by Mariah Carey

WOW... my holidays are bored like hell..
cousin's back... but the problem is... my aunt is back with her..
which is annoying... and bugging me non stop...
wasn't quite happy these days..
i just came back from Melaka yesterday evening..
a whole 24 family members gather...
its like... wow... i could not imagine wat is like when we head back to China this year end...
it will be like a freaking tour..
had some fun in Melaka... with the seafood, it makes my day...
surprisingly, i met Kimbee in Melaka... lolz...
had alot of food... really alot...
its like we are having a food tour around Melaka,
we went to the night market in Jonker Street after seafood dinner, then we ate some famous cendol...
the second day was like, weird noodles - melaka chicken rice - Tan Kim Hock Durian cendol - ice cream - satay..
its so obvious i am getting fat.... Shit..
we took alot of pictures..
shall update it in Facebook soon..
well... thats all for this post.. i am feeling sleepy.
ohya.. another 10 days to langkawi!
weewoo... ciggies.. HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Ah Yeng Jeje

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

15 July 09

listening >> American Sweetheart by Fall Out Boys

Finally, I am having my one month break.. weewoo...
it is quite boring..
i have nothing to do...
no outings no activities...
die loh... feel like dying...
finally finished my Semester 2..
looking back at those pictures... hahaha...
very funny...
Me in class...
Pris and me...
Experience Roland Event
Bao Bao and me
Darling and me
Celebrating our final day of exam in red box
errr.. i dont noe what am i posing for...
"za-ing" kelvin's Bo
Shanice and me...
this is the gang tat gang bang me by letting me sing 4 words in 1 song, and most of the songs is in chinese which i dont know.. so let me see.. i only managed to sing 3 songs tat day..

Friday, July 10, 2009

10th July 09

listening >> Heal The World by Michael Jackson

i am quite moody right now...
its my last paper for Sem 2..
god! i cant remember a single thing through out the whole book...
my mood just like went to the worse mood ever!!!
this is like the 1st time i feel like crying because of my studies!
over stress!
God! please help me!!!
wonder if i could pass my paper...
dam.. it just seems so hard!
i am tired! i want to sleep
i guess i gotta stay up all nite to study...
feel like killing myself...
i nearly cried while i was hugging Gabe...
dam emo right now..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th July 09

listening >> 25 To Life by JoJo

its over.
3th July 09.
everything has called to an end.
its all over now..
i just lost my words.
i wont explain anything.
this relationship comes to an end.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30th June 09

listening >> Gone Too Soon by Michael Jackson

Well, as everyone knows,
Michael Jackson is no longer here on earth with us..
its quite sad tat he is gone..
his music is just too good.
tell you a lil secret,
he was my idol since young..
his music is a msg to everyone on earth,
listening to his songs again,
just made me feel so down.
doubt he is weird, but he is a talented guy,
His songs is just so emotional.
since he is not here on earth, i just hope tat he will rock heaven.
the king of pop will never be replaced.
God bless you!
he's gone too soon~

alright, after Michael Jackson's speech,
its time for my own.
i am exhausted, stress!!!!!
finals is next week...
7 subjects, 1 weeks, 1 jen..
equals to 1 dead jen!
god bless me too..

Monday, June 22, 2009

22 June 09

listening >> Brown Eyes Blue by Crystal Gale

well.. i'm a bit hot temper these days..
is like so many things and so many people trying to pist me off...
i dont noe.. i just feel like smoking my lungs out...
i need to chill..
exam is finally coming...
2 weeks more...
sei lor....
hope i dont fail any subject..
if not...
i will cry like shit!
i am not a cry baby....
i have nothing to say about my love life...
its like getting worse...
"you are right, and i'm always wrong!"
the quote of my relationship with my galfren..

Thursday, June 18, 2009

18th June 09

listening >> Together by Neyo

I thought i was everything in your life...
but i think i am not right this minute.
in your eyes there is only you,
in my eyes there is always us.
i wonder how you feel about this post after reading.
am i not ideal person in your life.
maybe i am....
you have me...
i dont get you anymore..
you rule my life,
i've never ruled yours...
i wonder if we could switch identities,
then maybe you will know that how i feel...
the word break up always comes out from your mouth,
is it so easy to say this word every time we fight?
or are you just hoping i would say "yes, we break up?"
its tat wat you want from me?
i've been trying to tolerate you all these while,
why nobody is tolerating me?
why arent you tolerating my feelings,
i am not a person who is ruled by you all my life,
i want to live the way i want,
and while you are reading this, you would say
" since you are so not satisfied with me, then just break up la!!!"
"i dont deserve all this from you, you should have you own life!!"
i am meant to be controlled by you all my life....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

17th June 09

listening >> Crazier by Taylor Swift

Well, i skip class today...
dont ask me why,
is not me who doesnt want to go..
anyway... its a boring day..
i have nothing to do..
they still dowan to do the graphic assignments,
so i am taking my own sweet time.
had a long talk yesterday while lunch,
did my BKA pop quiz yesterday..
when out for dinner yesterday,
cause it was mama's birthday.
many people starting to pist me off.
and... tats all

Sunday, June 14, 2009

14th June 09

listening >> I've got Rhythm by Leanna Horn

well, i wasn't feeling well today...
dam that gastric! argh....
hate it so much...
but it will never go away and it sick to me like glu~
god...! how many more years do i have to live with this?!!!
finally, all the assignments is done and hand up...
i get my good nite sleep... relax again..
butt is kinda boring...
no one wants to hang out with me....
hmm... i wonder why....
even Baby also dont want to hang out with me...
mom's b'day is on tuesday...
guess what i got for her?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

11th June 09


I WANT SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

4th June 09

listening >> Crazier by Taylor Swift

i dont noe what happen,
i woke up around 9.30pm,
entered the conversation,
started discussing about re-doing the project.
and the 2nd thing i noe...
someone is discriminating me,
because i am a tomboy, i shouldn't be in the photo shoot for our product ad..
i am speechless...

4 June 09

listening >> Imma Bee by Black Eyed Peas

well.. i am desperately lack of sleep!!!!!
fuck those assignments,
i dont understand why they have to throw 4 assignments to us in 1 shot?!
i am just done with 1, and 3 more to go!
i am trying hard to squeeze those words outta my brain!
today's class was boring~ haiz....
i want to sleep~~~~
imma tired,
imma sleepy,
imma crazy,
imma bee~~~~~~~

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2 June 09

listening >> Black Or White by Adam Lambert

i dont noe why,
suddenly felt like blogging,
nothing much happen today.
just felt like writing something,
but not sure what to write since nobody reads my blog also...
going to start my assignments tonite...
so yea.... its shit!!!!!!
i think i am gaining weight these days,
its like WOW the way i eat....
until sometimes i scare myself...
many things is up in my mind...
but just dont noe how to say it out...
i think things had change while these days and months went by,
looking back at what i had done in the pass,
sometimes make me laugh at myself that
why am i being so childish...
but i believe people have to go through this no matter what...
what if i am like BOB in Monsters VS Aliens?
no brain at all...
i think life would be so much better...
doubt you dont have a brain you still can be a super hero...
somehow... i felt kinda tired,
actually, look at my life....
i have everything i want...
but, why am i not happy?
felt like an idiot....
hmmm..... i wonder why...
i should be lucky..
darling, how we 1st met? how we 1st gotta noe that we are in love with each other?
why am i asking stupid questions?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

31th May 09

listening >> No Boundaries by Kris Allen

well, long time no update.. kinda rotten d..
it was a busy week last week...
i had my BKA presentation on thursday,
it was scary, because we gotta present in BM!!!
OMG! thank god everything went well,
and we got 28/30 marks!
not bad la!!! lolz...
then this following 2 weeks is called " week of hell"
2 big projects in hand,
1. graphic events midterm project.
2. a business proposal.
dead week,
haha.. but thank god!!!
after this we are going to penang again!!!
this time it will be fun!

some pics from the BKA presentation

poser shit
being cici because baby want me too
where is my head?!
Dr.Tan , Pengerusi Bao, Puan How


edit... she ask me to post 1.....