Tuesday, October 30, 2007


ok, i was suppose to stay home today....
because i sprain my leg a little yesterday...
suddenly, wyue and the gang called up and asked us to go to skating!
i didn't want to go... but since everyone was going...
so we went loh!
thank god i just got a little sprain...
of course... i did get to skate!
while i was skating...
all in a sudden... my leg was ok adi!
so cool!
we met some pro's over there...
made friends and went to dinner together!
so happen there was a Halloween party for the skaterz...
we wanted to join the party, but we got to leave for dinner...
those little boys and gals are so cute...
they brought their own costume and started the party!
we went to ''ming tian'' for dinner with the gang...
had a bit of chit chat...
and we started our long time topic '' asshole supervisor''
she is leaving! YES!!!!
tomorrow will be her last day...
and she wants to go to the party tat we planed for E von...
''oops... by the way... we didn't invite you...''
she was like so desperate to go with us...
well... when ever there is a place with us... there will be topics...
so... everyone was having a great time skating...
no one fall.. and no want was hurt...
''except for daniel... which he would be dumb enough to wear a short socks to skate!''
(i'm just joking about the dumb part!)

we went back to sunway...
and while we were passing by some kiosk...
this fella...
sort of whispering and pointing towards us to his friend...
this guy... once video my friend with her bf...
and now.... he still dares to ''kacau'' us...
me and ady was quite pist...
we decided to ''king sou'' with tat fella...
too bad! tat fella was scared of us... cause we got 5 person and they only have 2!
wasted! they should have gave us the chance to wag them up!

is getting late at night... and i am going to work full shift tomoro...
but i am not sleepy at all...
ohya.... tomoro we are getting the ''report card''
seriously... i am a bit fed up with the results...
i might be getting last in class...
cause i missed the whole july test!
great huh?!
anyway... i don't give a damn wat position i get in class..
as long as i am happy with my results... than i am fine!

ooh... kinda happy about work tomoro...
cause for weekdays...
there will be no customers...
and tat supervisor offered us to work full shift tomoro...
so we can bring our things there and enjoy while we will still get paid....
eee... so bad!....
sorry la... if she wants to give me 54 bucks to sit there and do nothing...
i will be glad to do it!

Monday, October 29, 2007

i'm sick!

i am sick~
my throat is so pain tat i can hardly speak out loud!
wat a day...
our big big big boss came....
and scolded the supervisor....
going to resign soon....
because of some reason...
so everyone in the sunway outlet will be leaving for sure...
the boys are going to resign today...
and we 4 gals and 2 boys are planning to do it the day we get our pay!
it was a good experience working in a shoe shop!
we always get to jump up and down from the shoe racks...
i'm so tired...

''our song'' i'll always remember the song as i miss you guys...!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


i spoke to her again...
i just miss her so much!
something creepy happen...
i met her these few days...
and i think our mind are connected or something!
she wrote me a post...
so i decided to write a mail back to her...
after i send her the mail...
i ran into her blog to see if there was any latest post...
while i was reading her latest post...
all of a sudden... i received a mail from her...
in the mail...
she told me tat she saw my mail after she blogged!
and everything she wrote in her blog was the same tat what i wrote to her in the mail...
something must be wrong....
izzit us or something else?!
omg... seriously...
both of us are shock about it!
(ps:: gal~ if you wanna blog something about us, give me a call.... it scared the shit outta me man!)
i think the both of us are shocked till haft dead!
anyway... spm is coming...
i wish you all the best, and study smart dude!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

asshole supervisor!

ok... it seems tat everyone from my shop is leaving....
and tats is not a really nice thing.. i think...
well... dude!
you can't blame 14 of us...
cause that supervisor of us seems to mix up our working time table...
what the hell is her problem....
guess what...
a 21 year old bitch became our supervisor...
for 1 week....
and tat bitch is starting to change everything in the shop...
rules and so on...
seriously... i don't noe what got into her....
but she just thinks tat she is the biggest among us...
and when she sees the boss...
she is scared as a pig...
you dare to do things and do not take responsibility on what u did wrong....
100% useless....
just because tat she have some one to back her up....
doesn't mean tat she could simply break rules and promises!
everyone in the shop...
i mean everyone....
she have like 2 different characters..
firstly... she will be like a good hearted person...
"i switch her away because i want you guys to earn more commissions"
if you really mean tat... why put more than 5 person outside to serve just a few customers?!
everyone is sort of stealing other persons customers...
she is making something out of nothing....
which we all should say....
something bad....!
the second side of her...
AHHH!!! is her bitchy attitude...
damn it...
she can lc someone tat hire's her!
what can i say?!
trust me.... she said this verse to mico...
(aka our outlet boss)
her way of talking really hurts someone deep down...
poor gary......
we just hope tat she would just get fired....
14 person leaving on a same day...
and there is only 3 more person working for her....
and i bet all 3 of them hates her too...
''don't make me angry today... i am not in a good mood''
not in a good mood, doesn't mean you can simply scold people!
thank god she haven't blast me yet...
i wont give a damn....
i will just her in the face out loud....
she have no respect for others...
so she doesn't deserve any respect from the 14 of us....!
get it bitch!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

pool fest! babe....

for now...
going to sunway is like going to ioi...
we go to sunway almost every week....
ohya... cause we work there tats why~
but yesterday was our off day...
all in a sudden...
evon asked me...
so we took a cab...
straight on...
as what the title of my post said...
pool fest...
we are crazy about pool man~
ady is improving....
seriously.... i dont wanna talk about it...
my brother stephen came along yesterday...
we enjoyed...
don't kacau...
me (the pro) with the pro's brother... haha! i'm just joking with the pro pro thing!
my turn ( pic with a stick)
my brother....
on the way home!

the night

well... it was not bad about the night...
there were entertainments from fellow students and ex-students...
the were fashion show... (which was suppose to be ours!)
magic show... shuffle! Yeah!!!
a few dance and so on...
so need not to say more....
cam whore PEOPLE!!!

ok ok.... before we start the night... sure we got to get our hair done....
de salon....
me... always busy with my phone~
me and ady~
loong kun would die for this pic!
me kanimoli and melanie...
(ps:: melanie was so damn hot tat night.... we assumed tat, tat night was her wedding dinner~)
i think you noe who!
a bunch of form 3 buddies...
praboo.... my buddy...
the usuals...
chee leong with us...
loong kun.... swt...
hot ladys coming through... move a side people!
where ever we go.... if we are in a toilet... cam whore la.... dude!

cool... funny.... weird... haha!
meow and me.... dude... i never see her for 2 years...

evon just want to kiss goodbye to you guys... haha!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

back to blog!

so much too blog,
so little time...
well... err.... actually there are many interesting things tat i want to blog...
ok... since i was working...
i have many things tat i'v got to blog....
all in 1....
last friday...
me and evon went to the salon to set up our hair...
and all in a sudden....
i noticed tat i lost my wallet!
seriously... when i told my parents about it...
they are more worried about it...
i was just like ( ok.... you let me enjoy my night 1st and i will go look for it)
so... after tat....
we went back to evon's house
and we were all in a rush....
we simply wore our night wear...
put a bit of make up and off we went...
well... we went to the club with evon's benz....
our car stop infront of the building....
and the moment we step down...
those guys out there cheered!
wat a intro....
it was a *wow thing you noe*
the night was fantastic...
everyone was well dress!
but those teachers was (eee....errr... )
SO... everyone was great tat night!
(only a few)
some guys were really hot tat night!
we were like asking everyone to take pics with us....
it was fun....
the night ended around 11 or so...
and we sat ady's car back....
meanwhile, evon felt tat something was wrong with her top....
and all in a sudden she started to laugh alone....
she told us tat her top was.....................
( if i tell you, she will kill me!)

about work....
we knew a bunch of new friends....
patrick, mico, wmeng, another evon, jia yi, gary, alex, jeff, daniel, bming, wyue, mning, and another few more....
those i mention on the list are nice people...
there are others.....
but they are not really nice...
there is 1 tat i am pist the most is our new so called supervisor!
can you see how pist i am?
wtf is wrong with her....
the moment she came to our company....
she was so lan ci!
there was so many stories tat she made up to fire other people...
just like us....
me, ady, evon, and jyi....
she made up stories saying tat me and ady was talking bad about them....
( fyi: we just noe them for a few days, and we were a team, a great team... you think tat we will talk bad about each other?)
use some brain people!
she is a bitch and the moment she came in to the shop....
non of us liked her....
trust me!
we really hate her man!
she is acting the head of the company which she is not!
mico... our big big big supervisor...
he is a really funny guy!
i never knew tat he would be tat funny....
we all like the way he laugh....
he will make us laugh every time...
and we will make him laugh too....
but he would try to hold on to his laughs
sorry, no use... he will still laugh out loud!!!!!
oohhh.... i got to tell you about this!
one day, he was busy tying and cutting those strings back at the store...
and we all lepak and started some topics....
he was trying to talk and continue his work!
at the end... he wanted to pull those string all together....
he was rolling and rolling.... for sometime....
and after tat.... we noticed tat he was actually rolling the same roll!
haha! we wanted to tell him...
but he was busy talking to us...
after tat, he did noticed tat for so long....
he was pulling the same string rounds and rounds agian!
then.... no need to say more.... everyone laugh la!
he was like ( diu nia ma hai, i was keep rolling the same string for so long!)

one night....
this customer.... drop by to our shop...
they were sort of the last customer tat night!
they have a young baby boy...
he was so cute!
we was asking evon for some sweets...
and while his parents was choosing those shoes....
we took good cared of him....
at the end, he gave all of us a huge hug....
suddenly.... mico came along.... open his arms towards the baby boy...
and shouted ( I ALSO WANT!)
the little boy was abit blur... i think...!
so he also gave him a hug!
mico was so happy!
i feel like telling all those stories.....
there are too much!
daniel and gary are actually considered hot guys....
too bad....
they are only 15....
but i'v got to say out loud!
he is those kinda boy tat,
even though he gets fucked by the supervisor...
he will still smile at you!
AHHH!!! he is killing me!

a boy from china....
working in our shop....
he is nice looking....
tall.... considered handsome....
great ice skater....
i always make fun of him...
and he will chase me until he gets me!
i'v got to say....
he is rich dude!
he wears a g2000 pants, adidas shoe, guess watch, and a nike bag to work....
ooh... i forgot! he has 2 handphones!
1 motorola pda phone... and a nokie n70 too...
branded! wow!
i might consider him..... haha!!! just kidding!
ok ok.... enough for 1 post.... no doubt i didn't blog...!

sunway fest...

omg..... what is wrong....
i can't blog since this morning man....
i got alot to blog man....
so many pics have to be uploaded.....
these are those pics tat we took from sunway....
we started our day with some sandwich....
ady was busy eating...
oops... i think i ate too much!
chicken soup.... mmm~~~
dont kacau!
ady.... in roxy!
i noe i noe... it was you guys on the poster!
eventually.... evon's new shoes hurt her legs....
my gals....
me and evon...
she just look cute!
will you guys just take the pic oready?

seriously..... we didn't noe tat kanimoli is fucking HOT!!!
evon and the gals....
hahaha! she just look weird with this pose!
giler driver!


ady 1st time playing pool~
i noe... i noe... i am the the pro!pic with a stick?!
sweet and lovely~

pro~ haha!
on the phone la~
siva....evon's brother.... can you tell the difference?
nice 1! babe!

she's blind!

dont kacau me when i am eating!