Friday, October 5, 2007

2 more days.... wait!!!!!!!

2 more days... just another 2 more days...
and we will be free like a bird...
started jogging today, Yeah!
(haha... actually nothing happy about too!)
started off around my house...
after 1 round...
when further....and further... and further...
and then... i end up jogging to bk2...
jog here jog there... jog back to my old skull... lol!
then... jog home la... (if not?!)
when back home... rest for awhile...
jog for another round...
then end of story!
after tat... i felt i slim down! (haha, where can see the results for the 1st round)
but still... i was happy about it!

exam is almost over...
and we are planning alot of activities for the coming holidays....
everyone is excited about the outings and all....
but before we start everything....
money problem...
but we are going to work part time...

great news, black eyed peas coming!
me and my cousins are going! yeah!!!!
and then....
S.H.E's coming to Malaysia for a concert on the 1st of dec!
another yeah for me!!!!
so excited about everything!

was quite disappointed about the Beyonce's Malaysia concert!
They canceled it! omg! so upset!
Malaysia! haizzzzzz.... out dated!
AHHHH! brother pissing me off! so angry! what a brother!
does your YOUNGER brother treat you like tat?!!!!
frassssssssss!!!!!!!! ciaoz!!!!!!