Tuesday, October 30, 2007


ok, i was suppose to stay home today....
because i sprain my leg a little yesterday...
suddenly, wyue and the gang called up and asked us to go to skating!
i didn't want to go... but since everyone was going...
so we went loh!
thank god i just got a little sprain...
of course... i did get to skate!
while i was skating...
all in a sudden... my leg was ok adi!
so cool!
we met some pro's over there...
made friends and went to dinner together!
so happen there was a Halloween party for the skaterz...
we wanted to join the party, but we got to leave for dinner...
those little boys and gals are so cute...
they brought their own costume and started the party!
we went to ''ming tian'' for dinner with the gang...
had a bit of chit chat...
and we started our long time topic '' asshole supervisor''
she is leaving! YES!!!!
tomorrow will be her last day...
and she wants to go to the party tat we planed for E von...
''oops... by the way... we didn't invite you...''
she was like so desperate to go with us...
well... when ever there is a place with us... there will be topics...
so... everyone was having a great time skating...
no one fall.. and no want was hurt...
''except for daniel... which he would be dumb enough to wear a short socks to skate!''
(i'm just joking about the dumb part!)

we went back to sunway...
and while we were passing by some kiosk...
this fella...
sort of whispering and pointing towards us to his friend...
this guy... once video my friend with her bf...
and now.... he still dares to ''kacau'' us...
me and ady was quite pist...
we decided to ''king sou'' with tat fella...
too bad! tat fella was scared of us... cause we got 5 person and they only have 2!
wasted! they should have gave us the chance to wag them up!

is getting late at night... and i am going to work full shift tomoro...
but i am not sleepy at all...
ohya.... tomoro we are getting the ''report card''
seriously... i am a bit fed up with the results...
i might be getting last in class...
cause i missed the whole july test!
great huh?!
anyway... i don't give a damn wat position i get in class..
as long as i am happy with my results... than i am fine!

ooh... kinda happy about work tomoro...
cause for weekdays...
there will be no customers...
and tat supervisor offered us to work full shift tomoro...
so we can bring our things there and enjoy while we will still get paid....
eee... so bad!....
sorry la... if she wants to give me 54 bucks to sit there and do nothing...
i will be glad to do it!