Monday, November 26, 2007

pity cousin

haiz... who the fuck says i am enjoying taiwan life?!
well... its half wrong..
big problem...
my cousin's family having world war 3 everyday...
i pity my cousin...
my aunt only noe how to scold her, but never ask why...
everyday... without fail...
the moment my cousin comes back from skull...
she will start to scold her...
even though she just sit there are eat her rice...
haiz.... same thing loh...
i tried to help.. but instead i kena balik twice from my aunt!
haiz.... dont noe whats wrong with my aunt...
i can see tat my cousin is having a fucking hard time now...
the only thing i can help is to comfort her....
i hope tat works!
she dare not come home after skull...
omg.... i cant believe tat qin is calling my house every single day!!!
i really dont noe what to do...!!!
(evon, ying:: i need major help!!!!!!)
world war 3 gonna start again...
got to run and hide!
"wat a cousin"
if i am still alive after the war...
i will post something!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


seriously.... why i didn't update my blog for so long...
its because there is nothing fun here...
phones are fucking cheap here....
everyday go out until i wanna die adi!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

shopping in taiwan!

OMG! finally!!! finally finally finally!!!!

i got to go online to update my "retarded blog"
haha! how is everything over there?!
enjoying the holidays?!
it was quite boring for the past few days here!
but... yesterday was really fun...
i finally got go shopping!
brought lotz of stuff....
haha! and i spend too much!
the food here is not bad!
weather... cooling....
(ps:: evon... did you miss me or you miss mcd?!)

the night life herer is not bad!
so much to buy...
so little money!
eee... the milk tea is very nice!
better than malaysia's 100 times!
i dont have a phone number yet...
how sad!!!!
i wish i could call you guys everyday!!!
buy... no!!!!

haha... there is some pics here!

this is what i brought! all the stationary
tiramisu.... ( we got this cake from stephen... because he wanted to go to the toilet! haha!)
this is the milk tea.... the name is really cute!
my cousin and me!

ermmmmmm.....!!!! haha!

Friday, November 9, 2007

lagoon day!

finally, for 8 years
i finally went to lagoon again...
yesterday was e von's b'day..
so everyone of us decided to celebrate with her the whole day..
we went to sunway lagoon to have fun,
we played nearly everything...
thank god, yesterday had a some drizzle...
but the best point was there was no sun!
so we didn't get sun burn neither!
after everything, we went for dinner!!!!

dinner was perfect...
everything we planed went out perfect...
even though mico was late...
but he still made it for the dinner...
so ''give face'' hehe!
we drank, we ate, we played and lots more...
it was a great night...
after all the good things happen...
mico gave a all a good news
everyone of us clap our hands when we heard the news!!!!
even mico himself was so happy too...
we all got high! (including mico!!!)
it was a wonderful experience, wonderful night!

sushi zanmai....


ok! today was bad...
me and my family went to klcc to help my father on his concert thing!
and my fcuking asshole brother-stephen upset my day!!!
what the fuck is wrong with him, FUCK him...
he is those kinda person who looks nice in the outside but a piece of SHIT in the inside!!!
he is the pain in the ass!!!
just simply make people angry!

i am way cool now!
(ps:: sorry! i didnt noe tat was a blank sorry!)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

bitch... earn our respect!

its been a long time tat i really ditch someone up in my blog...
and sorry... i got to do it again this time!!!!
this time... is about LI TENG again!!!

"chill chill chill"
ok... wat the fuck is wrong with her....
omg.... she says tat she treated us very good in the shop!!!
come on la...
if you treat us good...
i wonder... WHY THE FUCK WE ALL LEFT?!!!!
don't act that you are really the ''queen''
hell no!!!!
there is no memories about her treating us good...
her mouth is the mouth of a scorpion...
so poisoned tat she would create stories to make people to misunderstand a small matter...
she is the most evil person tat i ever met...
even my enemies in skull is not this kinda person...
saying we are lazy at work?!!!
come on people!!!
if we are lazy, we won't be top sales!!!
i'v got to say...
tat she is a weirdo...
she flirts with guys who are younger than her...
she simply touches younger guys chest!
tat is way freaky...
omg... she told the whole world tat she never date a guy be4...
seriously... what you want to prove yourself?
a ugly chicken who is still single waiting for hot guys to date you out???....
fucking impossible...
she is 22 and she looks like an 32 old bitch...
and i don't understand why the fuck bryan would date her sister for nearly 2 years...
their style is like.... old lady style...
she say we are always late from coming back from lunch...
how bout her?!!!!
she can spend more time eating lunch with bryan...
tat really pist us off...
what a bitch...
i am not saying this without prove...
but... from the 1st day she went over to 1U...
the staff there, are also facing the same problem tat we guys was once facing...
everyone HATES her!!!!
even though Mico admires her working attitude...
doesn't mean we admires her way of doing things
and the way she treat us...
no ones liked her,
even the new supervisor is SO MUCH BETTER than her...

does she even noe how to talk english?!!
if she can become a supervisor does not understand english...
i wonder..
how far can her career goes?!
why they hire part timers who can speak fluent languages,
but a supervisor who only understand chinese?!
this is hilarious!!!

you dont deserved our respect...
you earn our respect!
and i don't think you once treated us good...
because you didn't
the attitude you own today,
is not the attitude to treat a person...
you might be the top today...
but you will never be the winner...
cause you already lost your heart and soul for being a person...
you are just standing alone, and we are a team...
a team full of team spirit...
you will never win a war alone!...

(ps:: apologies to Mico... we are not saying tat you are standing at her side... just tat, i want to make things clear for everyone to see!)

Monday, November 5, 2007

pay day!!!

give me a P
give me an A
give me a Y
give me a D
give me an A
give me a Y
Its ''PAY DAY!"

waited for so long...
finally.... i got my pay today...
well... we expected abit more...
but it was ok....
i finally got rich...
for 8 hours...
after getting the pay...
we went for skating......
skating rocks!!!
it wasn't really safe with all the money with us...
so i decided to put it all in the bank...
and after 2 hours...
i got to cash out 150 bucks...
tats for my parents....
i wished i had more...
but.... never mind!
so we enjoyed ourself....
we finally saw the new supervisor today...
shewas really nice...
she doesn't even look fierce at all...
and i heard tat she bought lunch for the staffs on the 1st day of work....
not bad...
ok ok....
i noe... i will spend alot these few days...
so i got to control myself...
make sure myself wont ''walk fire in evil''
what the hell...
(ps :: wang yue... thanks for the watch anyway....)

i made it....

today... i decided....
at the end...
i did it...
and i am very proud of myself....
it was just so perfect...
so wonderful.... so.... so... so....
never mind!
finally... i finish it myself!!!!
yes yes yes!!!!
wanna noe wat i did?!!!
i wont tell you...

Oh my goodness...
i just noticed... tat i am gonna die soon...
by heart attack....
vomit blood!!!!
EVON is killing me...!!!!!
she just always make me.... AHHHH!!!
can't find the word to explain...
i will die if she continues this to me...
(ps:: evon... please don't play it next year.... i am getting old!)

well... it was quite disappointed to hear the news...
my cousin.... just broke up with her long time boyfriend- ivan...
it was quite a shock...
but it seems tat my cousin propose about the breaking up thing...
they were together for 5 years...
and ivan wanted to propose to her on the day when is said ''its over..''
he was a member of the family oready....
just didn't expected to hear this kinda news....
but... is not up to us to control their relationship...
i just wish that there is a chance for them to be together again...
will god help the both of them?!
god... if you are seeing my post...
we= the whole family.
wished that you will guide them...
seriously... 5 years is not a short time...
just wish they never split up...
it might be god's plan...
i have no idea...
but i just hope for the best...
even though ivan broke up with her...
but to everyone of us in the family...
you are still a member of the family...
best wishes...!

ok... is fucking late...
i am off the bed....

Friday, November 2, 2007


ok.... no doubt ''secret'' was a long time ago show...
but i finally got to see the show!
actually i was really not interested in it... because i am not a jay chow fan...
but... all my buddies all saw the show and said it was a very romantic story...
so... ok ok!!! fine fine fine!
at last...
i saw it...
the movie was "WOW... so romantic"
the story was so touching...
i'v got to say... this is the 1st time tat i see a muvie until i cry!
especially towards the ending...
when the gal died... it was so touching!
tat moment... my eyes just got wet... and the tears just fall from my eyes!
omg.... thank god is not a real story...
if not i will cry until i die!
even though i hate jay chow... but i'v got to admit...
i have no regrets seeing this muvie!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

one team one sprit

31st October....
what a day to remember!
actually i wanted to blog yesterday...
but i was too tired...
it was our last day of working...
and all of us (who are leaving)
wanted to enjoy the last day of work together...
at lunch time...
our SO CALLED SUPERVISOR asked us to go out for lunch with her...
guess wat?!!
of course we didn't...
but... she allows us to have lunch with our gang....
the story starts here..
we split into 3 groups...
ady and baoming...
jeff, alex, kelvin...
me,wyue, evon,jiayi and patrick
so... our gang went to pizza hut for lunch...
on the way back... we meet everyone...
so we were walking back together...
meanwhile... we saw a flash...
the flash of an ugly supervisor and a hot guy called bryan was walking towards us...
and she asked why we never pick up her phone call...
so we were... *we don't pick up phone calls while lunch time!*
haha... then we continued our walk... and she left!
we were back at the shop and we sat...
jiayi was playing with the handphone...
suddenly... that bitch came in a snatch the phone away...
and started to question the both of them...
the last thing she said was ( I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU BOTH! LEAVE NOW!)
with this sentence....
everyone got mad....
the both of them took their bags and ran out of the shop...
wangyue was so angry...
he scolded the supervisor out loud...
and he was so angry tat he said (THERE IS NO USE OF ME WORKING HERE, I'LL LEAVE!)
so he took his bag went out...
the moment he took his bag, i start to take my bag and the others was repeating wat we did one by one...)
so... 12 people left on tat moment...
after we came out... we were so happy...
we even took pics infront of the shop...
that bitch didn't even dare to look at us....
at the end....
everyone went to redbox and have fun...
and the most touching part was...
the last song we sang.... was * peng you*
that song was the theme song for us!
well... before leaving... sure we took pics with everyone!
jia yi and me

this is the 1 and only mico and we!
wang yue n me
we are called the 4 top sales! haha! its true!
kelvin jeje! and jeff

alex, kelvin,jeff n wyue (they are the fake Beyond)
ady and jia yi

this is gary.... sleeping
kelvin jeje and me (he is a guy.... but a jeje too)

(ps :: there is a big gathering picture coming up soon...)
its getting early and i should go to bed adi... nite nite and