Thursday, November 1, 2007

one team one sprit

31st October....
what a day to remember!
actually i wanted to blog yesterday...
but i was too tired...
it was our last day of working...
and all of us (who are leaving)
wanted to enjoy the last day of work together...
at lunch time...
our SO CALLED SUPERVISOR asked us to go out for lunch with her...
guess wat?!!
of course we didn't...
but... she allows us to have lunch with our gang....
the story starts here..
we split into 3 groups...
ady and baoming...
jeff, alex, kelvin...
me,wyue, evon,jiayi and patrick
so... our gang went to pizza hut for lunch...
on the way back... we meet everyone...
so we were walking back together...
meanwhile... we saw a flash...
the flash of an ugly supervisor and a hot guy called bryan was walking towards us...
and she asked why we never pick up her phone call...
so we were... *we don't pick up phone calls while lunch time!*
haha... then we continued our walk... and she left!
we were back at the shop and we sat...
jiayi was playing with the handphone...
suddenly... that bitch came in a snatch the phone away...
and started to question the both of them...
the last thing she said was ( I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU BOTH! LEAVE NOW!)
with this sentence....
everyone got mad....
the both of them took their bags and ran out of the shop...
wangyue was so angry...
he scolded the supervisor out loud...
and he was so angry tat he said (THERE IS NO USE OF ME WORKING HERE, I'LL LEAVE!)
so he took his bag went out...
the moment he took his bag, i start to take my bag and the others was repeating wat we did one by one...)
so... 12 people left on tat moment...
after we came out... we were so happy...
we even took pics infront of the shop...
that bitch didn't even dare to look at us....
at the end....
everyone went to redbox and have fun...
and the most touching part was...
the last song we sang.... was * peng you*
that song was the theme song for us!
well... before leaving... sure we took pics with everyone!
jia yi and me

this is the 1 and only mico and we!
wang yue n me
we are called the 4 top sales! haha! its true!
kelvin jeje! and jeff

alex, kelvin,jeff n wyue (they are the fake Beyond)
ady and jia yi

this is gary.... sleeping
kelvin jeje and me (he is a guy.... but a jeje too)

(ps :: there is a big gathering picture coming up soon...)
its getting early and i should go to bed adi... nite nite and