Thursday, January 31, 2008

falling apart!

listening >> Far Away By Nickel Back

sick oready.....
i thought everything will be gone...
but actually no...
i got more than i thought...
doubt is kinda sad tat i wasn't one of the presidents...
but... for so many years...
i finally got what i wanted so many years..
when i noe i was promoted as corporal...
i was like.... okay....
and suddenly...
i am promoted again...
sergeant...... and discipline officer...
so tired... until i cant open my mouth to talk...
every inch of my body is pain..
who said school life is free and easy...
tat guy wants to kena from me adi!
a bunch of name list finally finished...
tired until gile...
how i wish i could just have a nice sleep one day...
too bad... my days and time is pack until i can't breathe!
doubt sunday is a day for god...
buy sorry god... you got to understand me...
i wished i can rest at home tomoro... but tats impossible!
cause i have plenty to do...
you wanna see my time table?!
its crazy!
another emergency case today...
leg cramp woh!
my hand also pain...
what to do... not enough ppl to help....
meeting meeting and meeting...
got to go for tons of meeting...
and i haven't finish my homework!
bunch of notes haven't finish!
almost dead... on the way!