Wednesday, July 30, 2008

beer remix...

listening >> 日不落 by 蔡依林

well... nothing much these days...
lepak wit lucas and leow wit yan on sat.
when for alcohol...
Scout plus Carlsberg
kinda nice... then v added coke!
dont try this... cause it will make you drunk very fast...
but i can still tahan...
small matter only...
haha..everything is going fine...
not to worry...
will be bak to school very fast...
i think....
the best slogan awards goes to Lucas Lim!
listen up...

I'm boostilious,
over all,

I'm Delicious!

well... haha... this got me laughing for 3 days...!
imagine tat...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

friday night out

listening >> Label Of Love by Fergie

yesterday was the last meeting for BSMM,
so we dicided to have games..
it was kinda like amazing race + fear factor.
so.... kinda fun running around in the school...
everyone was searching for me like mad...
running from block C to block A, block B to block D...
i ran nearly every single corner in my school...
after tat.. evon, me and ying decided to go for a movie in IoI mall..
cuz we were studying like mad these while...
so kinda get a time to chill out relax...
we went for The Dark Knight
damn this is the better then iron man, superman, and spider man..
this movie is so damn good...
is almost around two and a half hours...
tat joker was so damn fucking insane!!!!
batman was so........ OK... cool....
rachael was kinda old looking in this movie...
but nvm...
ying wanted to join us... but her mum was waitting outside d mall
so... like tat,
we wanted to go to starbucks and grab a cup of drink...
but it was closed...
so we left...
after tat... i turned around..
i saw someone waving at me..
so i went in again... and take a look
guess who i saw?!
it was Corina...
long time didnt see her...
the supervisor was kinda a cute guy..
we treated us 2 cups of Iced Shake Tea Lemonate
guess i was also quite lucky...
we went bak to evon's house wit Lucas's ride...
we drank beer all night long....
around 3 something....
we went to rishard to grabe a bite...
we met Fazz... and max...
so.... ya... tats all i guess...

Ps:: Juniors... all the best in your july test..!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


listening >> Angel by Leona Lewis

finally...started tuition today....
it was......everyone is from my school...
haha... smk 4(2)!!
met ghin shi there...
he stupid bastard!!!
dont ask me why...
its fucking hilarious!!
finally Maths!!!
omg... i really couldn't understand wat the teacher was teaching about for the 1st 15min
but... haha.. at least i understand after tat...
i studied science last night... ahhh...
until around 4 in d morning!
kinda tired...
my mum didnt woke me up this morning..
so just let it be loh...
i met Wong Car Men in success too...
she sat wit me today....
better dont talk much..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

bak to school....for meeting..

listening >> Time Of My Life by David Cook

wow... it has been a long time tat i haven't been to school..
went bak to take bak all my books from my locker..
i wonder why...
so many ppl asked me the same question..
"hey, you stop schooling?!"
no la.... aiyo...
wanna bring those books bak and study adi la...
trials is on the way...
so better study hard now...
went bak for bsmm meeting...
is a good thing tat everyone agrees on me coming bak...
kinda happy...
at least they know tat i am not wrong afterall..
chen shin came up to me today and apologize..
i was kinda shock...
he said he was quite emo today...
haha... he felt tat he should apologize..
so he did...
well... i forgive him anyway...
no point having another enemy right?
"welcome bak Carol!"
i am bak to serve bsmm once again!
i dont noe whether his apologies have any other intension..
nvm la...
he said sorry. so i'm fine wit tat...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bangkok part 5

listening >> I Will Be by Leona Lewis

Part 5

i swear... this is the last post!!!

ok ok... bak to Bangkok... we went for Thai massage!!!
its so cheap over there..... rm25 for 1 hour!!!!
wah... sure enjoy la... if not go there for wat?
leg was so pain after all the walking...
so time to relax...
straight on for 2 nites somemore..

its Geli ok!!!
harlo!we went to Big C ( something like giant) for our last war!!!! BUY AHH!!!!!
we brought everything bak to KL !!! wahaha
we went for chicken rice at nite... i guess it was to delicious until my mum got HIGH!!!
chak kak!!!
tuk tuk.....

me and mandy
cousins meeting!! " so.. who is the 1 who runs to get the sits tonite?!!!" i guess this is all....
Bangkok shopping rocks!!!
i wanna sit tuk tuk again!
there is a good place for shopping!!!!

-The End-

Bangkok part 4

listening > Time Of My Life by David Cook

Part 4

okok.... be patient.... there are many more to come!
so just bare wit me... and enjoy the pics!

bloggies from Malaysia... wats the color of our taxis? RED & WHITE right?! lame??!!!!
check this out!!!!!!!!
Red Yellow

cool huh? so many colors...!!! what a colorful country!!!!!!!!

i think we went to Platinum Mall for shopping....
hands down to these ladies above... shop for the whole day also still wanna shop!!! beh tahan!!!!
Eh.. hands down to us also la!!! we also shop the whole day... but kaki sakit!my couz.... we are 1 gang from young!! i am the smallest!! and the smartest! haha.. no la...

-ok... i swear... the next chapter is the last for bangkok!! to be continued!-

Bangkok part 3

listening >> I Will Be by Leona Lewis

wind into part 3 guys~

back to tat River...!!!
some pics wit my couz...

ok.... i can explain this 1.... see all those cat fishes?!! they are damn big size...they say if you feed it... you will lucky and your dream will come true... well...i am not sure about this.. .but we just throw those breads and all of them jump up from the water.... ewww..... river water!!!!!!!!

OK people.... i bet ou never see this in KL be4..!!! SAWADEEEEEEEE....!!!!
WOW... this is the best thing i ever ate in McD... Cheezzy fries!!!! is damn tasty!!!!

= i love thai people... seriously i do... even though i dont understand them... but i do respect them and look up to them... They love their King so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wherever you go... taxi, tuk tuk, shopping mall, tv, middle of the road, you will get to see the King's picture.... they really love and respect their King so much... and they love their country too.... when the national anthem was playing in the open door screen... everyone will stand straight and sing it... we were quite shock about it!=
ok... only thailand have this cute little taxi....
FYI, take a closer look if you can.... there is 6 ppl inside!!!
just a picture of starbucks... well....addicted to starbucks!!!! so like tat la...

-so many pics to be uploaded, to be continued.... again.-

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bangkok part 2

listening >> Here I Am by Leona Lewis

Part 2

back for part 2...
so bangkok was the place for shopping and some eating...

bak to tat Along................ wat wat wat river

ok... this is my cousin from taiwan... Mandy... yea... i look good... haha.. perasan~~

Tanya, our tour guide said there is 30,000 temples in Thailand... and there is 1 on the way...
take a look at it... the way they build it... is so.... EM!!!!ok... family 3 person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok... while the we are having that tour... there was a mini zoo beside the me, mandy, and my Alden Koko went in to have a look at those weird weird animals.. well.. they have many snakes inside.. and.. bear? deer? birds? ohya.. there was a tiger inside sleeping like nobody's business.. we saw the snake show.. some king cobras, python, and another i dont noe wats tat snake called snake.. kinda scary.. we nearly shit our pantz out..!!
take a closer look... -------------its you!!!!!!!!!
looking at....... erm... i think just a bird! haha!!
snake uncle's leg is so flexible.. i bet he learned Yoga
my grandma and my aunt... we went to this seafood restaurant. and it was the same name as my beloved grand-daddy's coffee shop's name... looooooooooong time ago... be4 i was even in my mum's stomach.. hehe!!!!

-to be continued, stay tune bloggies-

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bangkok part-1

listening >> When I Grow Up by Pussycat Dolls

ok... didnt really post something up here for a week---i think...
i went to Bangkok!!!
for holiday...
you noe... lately... shit happens...
so... is better to go and have some fun be4 going bak to school...
bangkok was... Great!
the people there and kinda friendly...
i mean some of them...
we went for shopping...
and.... yea... Just Shopping!!

isn't it beautiful??

well... we went for a tour around the city on the 2nd morning...
we went to.........

ok... so we sat something like tat and went into those Kampung-kampung..

so something like tat...
ok... i am tired... continue tomoro...

-to be continued-

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

dearest tjun git...

to be honest... i really felt disappointed among this issue... if ben didnt say anything about me "ponteng" i wont be tat pissed off.. but the point is.. did you noe tat did he really said tat? you are my president... yes, i respect you..but this issue... i am seriously very disappointed the decision you made.. if i am lazy... do you think i will still go for those activities? and... about tat report... can you tell me... besides what i wrote... is there anything else tat the members did? heart 2 heart talk... many juniors said is boring... wat should i write then? but anyway.. is not up to me to write the book now.. as someone else is dying to write it on my behalf... tjun git... i apologize for the way i reacted on friday... but seriously.. if chen shin didn't brought this topic out again.. i wouldn't have say a thing. but i can't control anyone as they are not my toys.. i am just sad tat why i serve bsmm for so many years, and this is wat i get in return.. i always trusted the team, as i trusted you too.. you are a good leader.. everyone knows tat.. i know you are one.. tats why i supported you all these while.. i wont want anyone to take this place besides you as you are the only one i noe is worth sitting is place... i guessed you misunderstand my meaning of "is time to let go". yes, i did say tat.. my meaning for it is i think its time to get the corporals and Lance Corporals to get things started... but not telling you guys out there i am letting myself free and just relax... i sincerely wished tat you asked yourself, did i ever miss a single meeting,activity,training,event before this issue started? i trust myself tat i didnt miss anything for bsmm.. i know i had been rude in my blog toward many ppl... but this have nothing to do wit my identity in bsmm... i noe when is time to play.. when is not.. this is my personal life.. and i dont wish because of my personal life you will look at me in a different way... i dare to say, everything i do for bsmm, i never thought of getting anything bak as reward or repay. if you really think i am not worth for tat piece of cert... just tell teacher.. i really dont mind.. i lost my bestest fren because of a piece of cert last year. and i dont wish i will lose you as my fren for the same reason... is just a cert anyway.. is just a paper... i dont take it as how important chen shin takes it as... i wanna thank you so much for allowing me to enjoy a wonderful year working wit you in bsmm... i gotta say i am very proud of working wit you, you helped me to succeed my dream to become a sergeant. thank you very much... i'm proud to hav you as my president, and my junior.. may god guide you to be a stronger, understanding person... i apologize, and thank you so much for still standing behind my bak supporting me. all the best.. god bless. Carolyn Tan

Dont ask me why i dowan to go to school,
you wanna noe why?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

sunway day..

listening >> Best That You Ever Had by Leona Lewis

went to pyramid again wit Almighty Evon and Yan..
looks like,
they are getting closer...
so we went for Handcock,
Will Smith is so damn cool...
we for some shopping..
got a brand new Akimi pillow case
thank you Yan...
because she bought for me!!!
Mandy... my cousin is bak from taiwan...
miss her so much...
when for dinner wit her...
and rushed bak to pyramid to meet up wit evon
when for starbucks as usual!
after tat...
when to evon's house for beer!
so? haha
i wont get drunk!!!
just came home!!!
i bought a singlet from TopShop today..
i love it so dam fucking much!!!
it has been a looooooooooong time i didnt wear a singlet out...
NO... is never!!
went for pool again..
yea... addicted to it..
i can be a professional player!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

update abit.

listening >> Yesterday by Leona Lewis

suppose to go school today...
but end up...
dont felt like going...
thinking of going bak to school and face those ppl...
kinda killing...
fake surrounding...
fake people...
falling sick again...
fuck it man...

"bsmm juniors...cheer up... dont be sad.... i'll come bak and visit you guys next year..!"