Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bangkok part 2

listening >> Here I Am by Leona Lewis

Part 2

back for part 2...
so bangkok was the place for shopping and some eating...

bak to tat Along................ wat wat wat river

ok... this is my cousin from taiwan... Mandy... yea... i look good... haha.. perasan~~

Tanya, our tour guide said there is 30,000 temples in Thailand... and there is 1 on the way...
take a look at it... the way they build it... is so.... EM!!!!ok... family 3 person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok... while the we are having that tour... there was a mini zoo beside the me, mandy, and my Alden Koko went in to have a look at those weird weird animals.. well.. they have many snakes inside.. and.. bear? deer? birds? ohya.. there was a tiger inside sleeping like nobody's business.. we saw the snake show.. some king cobras, python, and another i dont noe wats tat snake called snake.. kinda scary.. we nearly shit our pantz out..!!
take a closer look... -------------its you!!!!!!!!!
looking at....... erm... i think just a bird! haha!!
snake uncle's leg is so flexible.. i bet he learned Yoga
my grandma and my aunt... we went to this seafood restaurant. and it was the same name as my beloved grand-daddy's coffee shop's name... looooooooooong time ago... be4 i was even in my mum's stomach.. hehe!!!!

-to be continued, stay tune bloggies-