Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bangkok part 3

listening >> I Will Be by Leona Lewis

wind into part 3 guys~

back to tat River...!!!
some pics wit my couz...

ok.... i can explain this 1.... see all those cat fishes?!! they are damn big size...they say if you feed it... you will lucky and your dream will come true... well...i am not sure about this.. .but we just throw those breads and all of them jump up from the water.... ewww..... river water!!!!!!!!

OK people.... i bet ou never see this in KL be4..!!! SAWADEEEEEEEE....!!!!
WOW... this is the best thing i ever ate in McD... Cheezzy fries!!!! is damn tasty!!!!

= i love thai people... seriously i do... even though i dont understand them... but i do respect them and look up to them... They love their King so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wherever you go... taxi, tuk tuk, shopping mall, tv, middle of the road, you will get to see the King's picture.... they really love and respect their King so much... and they love their country too.... when the national anthem was playing in the open door screen... everyone will stand straight and sing it... we were quite shock about it!=
ok... only thailand have this cute little taxi....
FYI, take a closer look if you can.... there is 6 ppl inside!!!
just a picture of starbucks... well....addicted to starbucks!!!! so like tat la...

-so many pics to be uploaded, to be continued.... again.-