Tuesday, July 8, 2008

dearest tjun git...

to be honest... i really felt disappointed among this issue... if ben didnt say anything about me "ponteng" i wont be tat pissed off.. but the point is.. did you noe tat did he really said tat? you are my president... yes, i respect you..but this issue... i am seriously very disappointed the decision you made.. if i am lazy... do you think i will still go for those activities? and... about tat report... can you tell me... besides what i wrote... is there anything else tat the members did? heart 2 heart talk... many juniors said is boring... wat should i write then? but anyway.. is not up to me to write the book now.. as someone else is dying to write it on my behalf... tjun git... i apologize for the way i reacted on friday... but seriously.. if chen shin didn't brought this topic out again.. i wouldn't have say a thing. but i can't control anyone as they are not my toys.. i am just sad tat why i serve bsmm for so many years, and this is wat i get in return.. i always trusted the team, as i trusted you too.. you are a good leader.. everyone knows tat.. i know you are one.. tats why i supported you all these while.. i wont want anyone to take this place besides you as you are the only one i noe is worth sitting is place... i guessed you misunderstand my meaning of "is time to let go". yes, i did say tat.. my meaning for it is i think its time to get the corporals and Lance Corporals to get things started... but not telling you guys out there i am letting myself free and just relax... i sincerely wished tat you asked yourself, did i ever miss a single meeting,activity,training,event before this issue started? i trust myself tat i didnt miss anything for bsmm.. i know i had been rude in my blog toward many ppl... but this have nothing to do wit my identity in bsmm... i noe when is time to play.. when is not.. this is my personal life.. and i dont wish because of my personal life you will look at me in a different way... i dare to say, everything i do for bsmm, i never thought of getting anything bak as reward or repay. if you really think i am not worth for tat piece of cert... just tell teacher.. i really dont mind.. i lost my bestest fren because of a piece of cert last year. and i dont wish i will lose you as my fren for the same reason... is just a cert anyway.. is just a paper... i dont take it as how important chen shin takes it as... i wanna thank you so much for allowing me to enjoy a wonderful year working wit you in bsmm... i gotta say i am very proud of working wit you, you helped me to succeed my dream to become a sergeant. thank you very much... i'm proud to hav you as my president, and my junior.. may god guide you to be a stronger, understanding person... i apologize, and thank you so much for still standing behind my bak supporting me. all the best.. god bless. Carolyn Tan


Grace HY said...

Although i don't really know what had happened, but what i can say is... cheer up! Don't care much about what other people comment about u. The important thing is the effort u had put in, and u must believe in urself that u had actually done something great!