Saturday, August 4, 2007


She was the role model for us. She was the most attractive for us. She was the angel for us. She was the most respectful president for us. She was the best. She was once a loyal friend.

But everything changed within these few months.

Alright we respect and accept her decision to choose the future president. She chose a girl who just came in for like......6 months. We are fine with it. But she doesnt need to kick all of us out just like that and rather to beg the juniors to stay than us. Is this what u call team spirit? Who made up team spirit? Maybe ur the one who ruined our so called "team-spirit".

Last year, she was competing with the beauty queen for the president position. We supported fully and even asked most of the members to support her. Did she ever ask herself that where the fuck was Amanda when she was being voted during election? Did Amanda even there to support her? And did Amanda know that she was voted as president? Or maybe felt happy for her? Who was there that time??? WHO???? Us.....

Right now....we feel like being used. We can still recall ur words on 27th June. "We are not using you now for the drill team." Ohkayyyyyy. That hurts alot. We were angry not because that we were not chosen. Its because of u chose to believe and trust the wrong person. Maybe u dont see the real her now. But u will.....Trust us. U calling us power craze. Did u ever use ur brain and think who the hell is the real power craze. Hatred??? A person full of hatred??? Me???? LoL

Who made me like that? Who broke our friendship? Who misplaced our trust? Who made us quit? You... Pbsm is not about only the president position, its about what we gained, its about experience. If our future president is someone who has nothing at all....No friends no supporters no experience no RESPECT.... We have nothing to say then. We wish pbsm luck. We dont need to say anything to teachers or friends to support us. Time will prove everything. People can see through their eyes. Not through gossips.

Oh yea and hey juniors who are trying to hurt us......I can see ur future is not that bright as u have the darkest heart and soul. You guys only look up on ppl who get temporary power and look down on others.

PBSM stands for Plasticsmiles Backstabbers Sluts Monsters.

Pbsm cert is nothing at all! We are enjoying our lifeeeee with LOYAL FRIENDS which never exist in this hell. Tadaz~