Saturday, December 22, 2007

how to spell the word SICK!

argh... i am so sick man!
ok... let me see... vomit+fever+flu+cough+headache+soar throat+ear block!
great huh?!
Christmas is coming... and i am dead sick man!
omg! how am i going to enjoy Christmas?!!!
no matter how sick i am...
my mom pulled me to genting just now to see a concert!
sai lei leh?!
tats why i am getting worst... i cant talk and i can hear clearly!
feel like crying...
the only thing i can do is type...
and..... i cant sleep!
see... so early in the morning adi...
omg... how am i going to recover be4 christmas?!!!
and those ''people'' are disturbing me!
i need some rest!

dont noe why...
i'm starting to write...
based on a true story...
omg... my life is really changing...
what is the title of it?! haha!
private and confidential...
well... i am just writing for myself to read!
because when we are old... some things...
we might not recall tat easy...
so is better to write everything down be4 i get old...

be4 i say the worst thing...
i have a good news...
i will be happy and call free from him these few days...
he went to langkawi yesterday...
finally peace! amen!!!!

ok... something sucks alot...
omg... i am kinda freak out now...
i just started to enjoy the holidays...
and the second thing i noe...
fucking school is going to reopen...
ah.... i dont want to go to school la...
SPM year oready...
tat sucks alot.... ok?!!!!
no more parties, no more beer fest, no more shopping, no more yam cha, no more outings...

i found a song tat means something to me...
i am not sure tat you guys out there heard it be4...
but is called '' headlines (friends forever)"
by spice girls...
well... is not about the song or spice girls...
but is the lyrics...
those lyrics, seems to express the words from my heart...

Let’s make the headlines, loud and true
(Say you love me and I’ll say I love you too)
I wanna tell the world I’m giving it all to you
(Just remember what simple words can do)
Let’s make the headlines, loud and clear
(All that I have I give to you my friend)
The best things suddenly happen when you are here
(Just remember friendship never ends)
And if I lost my way you’d carry me home
Take me all the way to heaven, never leave me alone (everything)
And it’s just like everything matters when you are near (matters when you’re near)
(Say you love me and I’ll say I love you too)

Let’s make the headline true this time
(Just remember what simple words can do)
There’s no hiding from this magical state of mind
(I feel loved with you, I feel loved with you)
And if I lost my way you’d carry me home (I know, you take me, all the way to heaven)
Take me all the way to heaven, never leave me alone (everything)
And it’s just like everything matters when you are near (matters when you’re near)
(Everything matters, it really matters)

Lets make the headlines, loud and true
(I feel loved with you, I feel loved)
Lets make the headlines

‘Cause I’m giving it all
Yeah I’m giving it all to you

Ps:: i am so sorry tat i couldn't make it to the concert with you...sorry wang yue!