Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My White Christmas

enjoying>> White Christmas by Il Divo

i just received the very best Christmas present this afternoon...
and be4 i start... i just wanna give a personal msg to
the 1 who hurt me the most on Wednesday, june 27th 2007
( Stephanie... you were once someone important to me, but now... i can finally stand out proudly and tell you, you are no longer important to me... i would like to thank you so so so much, for hurting me so deeply, because without you... i would never get this opportunity by allowing me to have more greater friends like evon, adeline, and most of all the one who took you place inside me... karyn! i would just like tat thank you so much! by losing YOU, I earn trust and love from THEM! )

the best present of the year award goes to karyn!!!
she gave me the present tat i always wish for....
loyalty, love, trust, and so much more...
not to say tat evon and adeline didn't...
they did... only this time i really want to intro another person who is also important to me...
(we can have a few best friends, you noe?! not just one...)she wrote me something which really made my christmas "white"
tats why i am listening to "white Christmas"i finally noe my existence...
and its really awesome!

billions of happiness fulfill my heart...
never ever felt tat while i was friends wit steph!
i didn't feel the existence...
of course wit evon and ying... more than enough!
(tats a good thing)
ohya, i still haven't get to the point yet...
oh... what she gave me,
was a special christmas msg she wrote in the forum for me...
how nice!
it was really the most lovely msg tat i ever receive!
she talked alot about our friendship and how we help each other when we both needed help...
she nearly make me cry...
but... no doubt i was touched by the msg... i still didn't cry...
so i wrote her back in the forum...
and a member comment about my 1st post.
it was so long! haha! i noe i noe!
this pure little christmas msg lighten up my christmas and my life...
i remember everything... in detail...
even though wit evon ying and karyn...
is all inside my tiny little brain...

so we live with no regrets...
no regret knowing you...
no regret taking you as a friend...
no regret for everything...
good ones are always forever...

Merry Christmas everyone!