Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merdeka Countdown

listening >> Kiss Goodbye by Wang Lee Hom

yesterday night was the best Merdeka countdown tat i ever experienced..
we gathered some friends...
bought 2 cartons of Carlsberg and some pizzas..
evon, yan, lucas, kun, hao, kc, may, ling, alex and jass...
we started at yan's house...
then we moved to the one and only Bk 5 padang atas!
we thought there will be many people up there waiting for fireworks..
but in the end,
there was nobody up there..
so we rule the padang like its ours!
we drank alot...
running around,
taking tonz of pictures wit evon's new canon camera..
screaming out loud...
dancing wit those polls...
and we played Truth Or Dare..
but eventually...
we only Dare It...
played a few rounds...
this is the 1st time tat i was involved so madly in this game..
instead doing stupid stuffs..
like singing and dancing...
we turned into... WALAH!!
Yan, Evon, Jazz ended up taking their Bras off infront of everyone...
Lucas, Kc, Hao tooked their Pants off!!
i was squeezing Lucas's nipples the whole night..
so i think... he has 666 nipples right now...
i guess... i gotta buy him a expensive bra for his up coming B'day~
or... maybe buy "Boost Up" for him to drink..
obviously there is no toilets in padang atas..
so end up...
everyone pee behind the trees... hahahah!!
we fly kisses to everyone...
climb up and down,
acting like monkeys..
everyone enjoyed yesterday night..
it was a very fun night..!
like wat Yan said...
"welcome to the gang"
never had so much fun for a long time..
too bad queenie and the gang wasn't here...
if not...
the night would never end...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

big fight

listening >> Burning Up by Jonas Brothers

was in a big fight wit my parent just now..
why parents like to accuse their children?!
i choose to be quiet...
so let them talk!
no matter they are accusing me or not!
i never talk bak!
not because i felt guilty!
is because i am tired of talking about it again and again until there is no end!!!
now i learn another new word...
if is me who is making the family so miserable..
so from today onwards!
i am not going to talk in my house with anyone!
sounds better?!!!!!
done wit my life!
i hate my life!
and i hate to be threaten...
tat makes me wanna kill someone!!

25 Aug 08

listening >> 大城小愛 by 王力宏

yesterday...hmm... not really yesterday...
it was monday...
Yan's B'day...
we had a great time...
it was a lot of fun...
i remembered...
i was dancing wit Queenie on the sofa...
no matter slow song or fast song...
is not a problem...
we were kinda gay gay dei!
we went for korean dinner at night...
it was cheap...
ok ok ... gtg now...

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Listening >> You And Me by Life House

kinda tired because of working..
woke up at 5.30 in d morning on saturday...
ended my work around 2am..
and home at last at 4am today..
slept till 4 something..
bla bla bla...
met chuan li and su mei again yesterday...
and bla bla bla again..
good nite!

Friday, August 22, 2008


listening >> Wherever You Will Go by The Coming

3 more days to go

catching a cold now...
school is starting in 2 days time...
and i'm here catching a dam cold!!!
meeting jin wen and the gang tomoro
they wanna go skating woh..
scared la..
it has been along time tat v didnt skate..
i wonder...
how would it be, if you skate with the one you love?

Thursday, August 21, 2008


listening >> Unforgettable by Nat King Cole feat Natalie Cole

4 more days to go

today was a shocking day...
my mum suddenly said..
"hey, lets have a look at the new houses in Taman Desa"
why the fuck wanna get a new house?
i dowan to move now!!
maybe few years later but not now...
after we went to the showroom..
ok... we can consider about it...

the master bedroom..second bedroom... my room... wahaha
got alot of mirrors... YaY
the 3rd room...

Monday, August 18, 2008

holiday... haiz!

listening >> You And Me by Sarah Brightman feat Liu Huan

6 more days to go

holidays started d..
too me is like....
everything is getting worse...
havent been getting good sleeps these few days..
bigger problems ah!!!!!!!!
no money ah!!!!
dam sad ah!!!!!!!
guess no one will understand me now...
maybe there is 1..
maybe Evon..
GOD, please help me!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Itu Kamu

listening >> Itu Kamu by Estranged

9 more days to go

it has been ages i never liked malay songs..
but this is nice...
thanks Evon for the intro
went to sunway for awhile...
mummy wanna go buy thing woh...
went and cut my hair again...
working next week mah..
gotta look good la!
friday night always free,
so i went to Yan's house to lepak,
there was a Mint Chocolate in her fridge,
i cari cari...
eh got another 12 pieces underneath...
wah.. tunggu ape...?! terus ambik je!
Yan was so pissed...
tak de ape2 happen today la...
so... ciaoz!

Friday, August 15, 2008

late dinner.. or early breakfast?

listening >> Stranger In The Night by Frank Sinatra

10 more days to go

blogging now.. kinda late huh?
i just finished cooking my dinner..
kinda hungry,
didnt eat anything for the whole day..
dreaming too much these days..
ohya... forgot..
yan twisted my neck...
how great!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


listening >> Moon River by Frank Sinatra

11 more days to go

today... was kinda ok...
nothing much happen...
it seems tat everyone in my school got picked for NS..
i really dowan to go..
looking bak at my previous posts yesterday night..
many memories..
time really passes really fast...
some people say...
when you are leaving this world soon,
there are many scenes popping out..
and then... not for long..
you are saying your last bye byes to the world...
i wonder is it true?
i only can experience tat when i am going to die...!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

National Service

listening >> Yesterday by Leona Lewis

13 more days to go

well... rumors saying tat the National Service name list is out..
everyone out there...
kinda disappointed actually..
i wont want to waste my time serving for the country by going to stupid camps..
wat malaysia wants?!
women warriors?
come on...
if there is really a war coming up...
i will definitely run away..
not worth fighting for my own country..
i thought malaysia is a country tat treats all races the same..
but why chinese and indians are mistreated?
if there is a voting whether should we have NS..
i believe...
no one wants to vote for NS!
disappointed in everything...
my country, my family, NS!
i'm way pissed!

God... why do you wanna play this on me? if you wanna punish me for my previous acts..
just do anything but not NS! haiz...

Monday, August 11, 2008


listening >> Far Away by Nickelback

14 more days go to

was so boring today,
didnt even got the mood to study today..
kinda not feeling well today..
so yan gave me a silly game to play...
quite fun...
i wonder if there is more funny questions...
9 more days to go...
go go go go go~~~~~~~!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

family love...

listening >> Empty by The Click 5

15 days to go...

rewind time to 1994,
when i was a 3 year old...
my dad and mum always bring me to the park opp our old house..
there i was...
cycling on my little bike with 2 extra wheel behind..
my dad will follow me wherever i go... just to keep an eye on me...
but 1996...
everything had changed....
all in a sudden,
daddy and mummy left me playing alone...
or maybe... i never went to the park and have fun anymore...
because my brother was born...
i was jealous... yes i was...
but there is nothing i can do.. but just to accept...
by forced... i did...
and my life sucked more and more...
my brothers was not home...
left me and my parents...
i felt like i was 5 again..
we made our garden together...
my dad and i walk my bike to the petrol station to pump the tires...
the best part was... my dad cycled me home...
it was like... 13 years ago....
sorry to say... I was lack of family love for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time...

A Friend

listening >> Let Me Be The One by Cliff Richard

take a look at life...
doubt you may say,
"i'm a teen, i only have experienced life 1o over year only."
but... still...
what will you think about your life?
what was your best memories?
what was your best success though all these years of living?

some people say.. "life is too short to experience everything."
some people say.. "falling down is part of a chapter in life."
some people also say.. "friends are important in life."
izzit true?

did anyone of you out there.... got backstab from your friends?
have you ever cried for "friendship"?
have you ever felt disappointed in friendship?

i was disappointed in friendship be4, cried also... got backstab too...
but end up...
you will realize...
no matter how many friends you have,
are they truly your friends tat you can trust?
if you have thousand of friends...
but you have none to trust...
well... tat mean you don't own one..

A Best Friend...
who is someone when you needed help... they will back you up no matter what...
A Best Friend...
who is someone that you are willing to trust and deserved you to do so...
A Best Friend...
who doesn't care if you are good or bad, they will still believe in you..
A Best Friend...
when you cry, with a word unspoken, they will understand..
A Best Friend...
Is someone, tat you will heart them deeply..

When a thought is broken,
just by a tender word of yours...

all i can say...
we live in a world full a challenges...
all challenges you can think or can't think of...
tats why we live, tats why god made us for...

EVON, I Cherish YOU!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


listening >> Some People by Cliff Richard

well... Olympics started yesterday....
actually was the Opening Ceremony~
but I've gotta say... chinese really rock...
the opening ceremony was fantastic!!!!
the performance was wonderful...

you noe bloggies,
time passes really fast...
1 year ago... i had 3 best frens...
on the 27th of June,
2 left me by breaking my heart into millions of pieces..
but.. another 2 frens came into my life...
we had great fun,
we drink, we danced, we shopped, we cam whore and much more....
but now... the other 2 is like fading away from me and evon...
so is like... bak to Me and Evon...
many ppl asked me...
why you cared for Evon so much?
the only reason i can give is,
because when everyone left me, she didn't. she stood there for me...
tats my reason.

when i was in yan's house,
i went out to the balcony,
i looked out....
memories flash bak....
how stupid i was in d old days..
never felt like dumb.
at the end... i just smiled.

wanted to wake up for breakfast wit Evon,
but i was too tired cause i slept at 4 this morning,
cuz i was busy watching the repeat for the Olympic Opening Ceremony..
so at the end.... i woke up at 1.40 just now...
haha... i'm a pro in sleeping..!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

i learned

listening >> I Can Go The Distance by Phill Collins

i finally went bak to school to pass up my absents letter..
i went to see pn.ilmia today...
i cant get my cert bak..
cause of some reasons..
we had a long chat....
almost for 3 hours..
1 thing i like pn.ilmia is because she is an understanding person...
she gave me a phase "If You Think You Are Right, Fight Back For Your Rights!"
now i am gonna do alots more to get bak my rights..
i was in the silence for too long....
too long...
so i wanna stand up and fight back...
and i am going to do it in the right way..
evon said...
even though i said i gave up on pbsm...
but my heart is still in there..
because of people's acts,
because of misunderstandings,
because of ppl over using their powers,
tat got us to make a decision tat we never wanted to make
evon... i am gonna fight back not just for me...
i'm gonna do it for US!
to prove we are right at the 1st place..
the second thing i noe..
i am welcomed to help next year...
teacher said... you are always welcome to come back..
if i hav the time...
i will come bak no matter wat...
so juniors....
get prepared for a new starting next year..
and prepared to get scolding by me..