Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Friend

listening >> Let Me Be The One by Cliff Richard

take a look at life...
doubt you may say,
"i'm a teen, i only have experienced life 1o over year only."
but... still...
what will you think about your life?
what was your best memories?
what was your best success though all these years of living?

some people say.. "life is too short to experience everything."
some people say.. "falling down is part of a chapter in life."
some people also say.. "friends are important in life."
izzit true?

did anyone of you out there.... got backstab from your friends?
have you ever cried for "friendship"?
have you ever felt disappointed in friendship?

i was disappointed in friendship be4, cried also... got backstab too...
but end up...
you will realize...
no matter how many friends you have,
are they truly your friends tat you can trust?
if you have thousand of friends...
but you have none to trust...
well... tat mean you don't own one..

A Best Friend...
who is someone when you needed help... they will back you up no matter what...
A Best Friend...
who is someone that you are willing to trust and deserved you to do so...
A Best Friend...
who doesn't care if you are good or bad, they will still believe in you..
A Best Friend...
when you cry, with a word unspoken, they will understand..
A Best Friend...
Is someone, tat you will heart them deeply..

When a thought is broken,
just by a tender word of yours...

all i can say...
we live in a world full a challenges...
all challenges you can think or can't think of...
tats why we live, tats why god made us for...

EVON, I Cherish YOU!


Evie said...

Awwww so sweet

Okay la i make white sauce macaroni for u kayyy =*