Saturday, August 2, 2008

i learned

listening >> I Can Go The Distance by Phill Collins

i finally went bak to school to pass up my absents letter..
i went to see pn.ilmia today...
i cant get my cert bak..
cause of some reasons..
we had a long chat....
almost for 3 hours..
1 thing i like pn.ilmia is because she is an understanding person...
she gave me a phase "If You Think You Are Right, Fight Back For Your Rights!"
now i am gonna do alots more to get bak my rights..
i was in the silence for too long....
too long...
so i wanna stand up and fight back...
and i am going to do it in the right way..
evon said...
even though i said i gave up on pbsm...
but my heart is still in there..
because of people's acts,
because of misunderstandings,
because of ppl over using their powers,
tat got us to make a decision tat we never wanted to make
evon... i am gonna fight back not just for me...
i'm gonna do it for US!
to prove we are right at the 1st place..
the second thing i noe..
i am welcomed to help next year...
teacher said... you are always welcome to come back..
if i hav the time...
i will come bak no matter wat...
so juniors....
get prepared for a new starting next year..
and prepared to get scolding by me..


Ethan Liew Tjun Git said...

I will do that too... I'll be strong again... When I say it... I mean it...

pamelaquek said...

yeah!! waiting waiting~~

Evie said...


Why write my name in ur post. If wanna write, write it in BOLD and i prefer my name to be in violet haha

MFCB actually.... I rather be a junior like last time. More fun without politics hehe =D

Remember those days Bitch? We played water and cream and watever with all of them muahahaha.

Wenyi. said...

waiting for u next year yea..(although still a long time)
haha.. yerrr...
cum back still wan to scold arr?
dun la.. ^^ heehee... >.<

miss ya
all the best in ur study!