Saturday, September 8, 2007

Me... lately

Woke up today,( I which i only manage to sleep.......... for 15 minutes......), made myself a cup of coffee, my day started like tat, and i felt i need to blog..........

Saw karyn yesterday, guess she was a bit disappointed when she saw me, i went to her door, just to give her 10 bucks, then i left... great huh! I also don't noe what happen to me. there was just no words out of my mouth...

When i was home, i notice tat i actually got to talk to her, and i felt bad tat i was so cool in her house, so i decided to sms her to asked her whether tat she would want to stop by my house later yesterday night. she came at 8 then we talked... i really wanted to tell her something important, but i forgot what to say.

I felt bad deep down in my heart. i guess tat i should have apologize about yesterday and those days after your b'day!I always feel tired, maybe tats because of i didn't really get good night sleeps lately...and its getting worst, cause i really couldn't sleep this pass 2 weeks. i would just be on my bed with my eyes open every night. scary?! headache conquer... haiz!

Karyn always say that i think too much. yes... i think i am! there are too many things to think for me, if i don't think for a day, i still need to think the same thing the next day. so karyn, if u are reading this, i hope tat u don't blame yourself because of this... as i always says, ''I take friendship seriously'' tats why i felt the same as 27 june...

Like u always said ''if u continue like tat, u really gonna breakdown anytime...'', maybe i'm really getting mad! i just can't control myself from thinking, i was thinking all these while, if we never met each other, would it be better for all of us? maybe you will just be you, i will just be me, nih will just be nih, kyi will just be kyi, chun will just be chun, qin will just be qin.... and nothing will ever happen.... i never blame you but i did blame it on nih...

If she never had did such thing to me, we would have stayed as friends.