Thursday, September 13, 2007

what the hell.......

i hate her, i hate her and i hate her...
what the hell is wrong with her,
what is the use of blog?
a blog is a place tat u can express yourself,
not to follow other people's story...
this make me pist....
there is this fella... i don't think i noe her...
she followed my post almost from head to toe...
is not really following, but she is like copying everything tat i been through...
i don't really believe tat it will happen the same thing, the same time and the same date...
there is no such thing...
what i want to say is tat,
if u want to have a blog,
write something tat u actually facing,
not following other's post...
about karyn and the gang...
i got to say tat she is really mad about nih...
chun called me yesterday,
and they say wanna go out to redbox again,
and this time, nih will be going too...
what the hell...
we got to go, cause we got to settle somethings,
and the worst thing is,
karyn, t'rani, and kyi are going out to the same place and the same date,
hah!!! another problem...
because of nih saying tat she wasn't able to go out anymore,
so they planed without her involved!
so now...
i also don't noe what the hell is the latest plan...
we are actually planning something big for an once and for all thing.