Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The present

last week, my gals got me a present while i wasn't in skull, and the present was a huge S.H.E poster... (my gals do noe tat i'm a S.H.E freak) I was so happy to receive such a beautiful poster y my beautiful gals.

Story starts...

BLOODY FUCKER, suddenly there is a spot check, Fucks! actually it was just a normal spot check! after everything was checked. that bloody amanda came a juz took my poster from my bag without asking! And she just pulled to tape away to open the poster, then she pass it to teacher! I was so angry that i was (!@#$%^&*) like tat u noe?!!!! teacher took away my poster and she kept it in her room. Evon and Ady was there to wait for me, evon even talked to the teacher!

My gals where angry about tat bitch too, so at recess time, we saw da bitch pass by and we purposely talk about my poster thing, we were like...

Ady:" hey Jen, someone took your poster this morning?"
Me:" ya, some stupid prefect took it away!"
Ady:"Izzit? who the hell took it away?"
Me:" She was like just a AJK block!"
Evon:" those stupid prefects are so damn useless, I thought tat she cant check us, cause she is just AJK block?!"

then, she went back to her class. wat the hell is wrong with her? play fair and square la, Future President!

Haha, but she didnt noe something, me and my gals went to see the teacher and she gave us back! *AMANDA, SHE GAVE ME BACK!"

finally, Thanks gals for the postarrrrrrrrrrr.....