Sunday, September 16, 2007

ahhhhh, so pist~

oh my god,
seriously, i wasn't juz upset about today,
i was so pist about today...
what the hell...
do you noe how pist i was today?!!!!!!
101% angry about everything tat happen...
karyn didn't go....
nih gave back the same thing tat i rejected...
chun and leow asked me whats going on again and again...
we reach sunway at 10.30 and straight on went for snooker...
play play play, she gave me back tat thing which i really don't want to accept it!
the worst thing nih did tat,
she gave the thing to chun in front of me and want me to take it!
i was so fucking pist!
end up we didn't settle anything!
i was waiting for this opportunity for so long....
since karyn wasn't there...
i have no mood to do anything,
'' I am not angry about u, karyn''
we went to redbox again to sing,
i was sitting there for 1 and a half hours in silences!
when i looked at the cup of beer,
it makes me remember what happen at 25th of august!
and the worst thing is tat they gave us the same room tat we use on the 25th!
everything was like '' the same''
i can't even look at nih... it just will make my temper rise above the sky!
pist pist pist....
i really can't think of any word besides of the word called ''pist''
thank god tat kyi came,
if not i don't think i will talk for the day...
wat a life! i hate my life...
i took pics with kyi and she also don't noe why tat i wanted desperately.......
i wont tell why too if she asked!
just want to keep it as a memory!
i have no choice to accept the ''thing'' tat nih gave...
when she left, i went to karyn's house and pass it to her...
she also did not wanted to take it, cause it was the second time tat she gave it to me!
maybe u think tat i am a '' not nice'' person...
but sorry, i am who i am...
i can't accept something from some one tat betray on me!
maybe u can,
but for me, HELL NO!
this is me, and i rule my life...
u can't change me the way i am....
~16 sept, last outing~