Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tagged by Mel

Part 1

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
er... apparently no intention of getting married..

2. What will you do when you feel really emo?
drink... get drunk...

3. Who is your Idol?

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
anywhere... as long i'm with the 1 i love.

5. If you have one dream to come true, what will it be?
same as mel... rewind time!

6. What is the purpose of your life?
to love the one i love, to help tat those who need help.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most right now?
i lost my best friend once.. tats still freak me off... but now... i think is the 1 i love

8. What cheers you up for the rest of the days?
a simple msg or a call from my long lost best friend..

9. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
no.. cause i always think tat i wont be the best choice for him/her

10. List out 3 good things about the person who tagged you.
friendly, kind, she loves god!

11. What kind of people you hate the most?

12. What will you do if you get a million dollars?
depends on what dollars i would have, if is US dollar... tat means is 3 times the money in malaysia... so... i will take 20% of it for charity.. and others... for investment so i can earn more money.. (pn. Chua always say "think economically!")

13. What is your ambition?
someone successful. to prove to those who look down on me..

14. What will you do if you got rejected by someone you love?
not sure.. cause never tried! hehe...

15. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
not sure... as long as can be a better person...

16. What is your favorite color(s)?
i love this question.. black, black, black and white.

17. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
my grandma, friendships, the one i love

18. If there's one thing in life you wish to do but yet unable to do, what would it be?
turn into a guy... possible? well.. there is 1 more easy 1.. Steph.. would you like to have tea wit me and evon like the old days? =)

19. What will you do if tomorrow is the last day of the world?
i will call steph and say i miss her..

20. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
love me (of course)!, honest, polite, mature, HOT!

Part 2

8 things I am passionate about :

1. Laptop
2. Music
3. Handphone
4. Friendships
5. Dancing
6. Pool
7. Alcohols
8. Cam Whore wit my gals

8 thing i say or do often :

1. Fuck You!
2. sms
3. Online (tats a must!)
4. Blogging
5. Ok ok...
6. Msn
7. listening to music all the time.

8 things I've read recently :

1. ok... tough one! i just read an Oxford Dictionary lately..
2. emails
3. msges
4. MRSC agenda
5. yan's blog
6. my blog
7. mel' blog ( tat why now i only noe i was tagged)
8. and... i guess i touched the news paper few days ago..

8 songs I could listen over and over again :
1. 追- 張學友 (活出生命演唱會版)
2. 漂浮地铁- 李宇春
3. Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis
4. 新不了情- 楊忠偉
5. Empty- The Click 5
6. Far Away- Nickelback
7. Butterfly Kisses- Michael Bolton
8. More Than Words- Frankie J

8 things I learn about this year :
1. to cherish those tat cherish you
2. even you are right.. as long as ppl doesn't like you, they will make up stories and say u didnt do anything.
3. if you miss someone, you just gotta cry alone without a sound in the middle of the night.
4. bitch will always stay as a bitch.
5. became a Bi (haha)
6. love is not wrong even though is among the same sex
7. to format my own laptop
8. learn to drink Volka

15 people I wanna tag :
1. Evon
2. Yan
3. Charlene
4. Grace
5. Jane (heng dai)
6. Peakky
7. Pamela
8. Sheh Li
9. WenYi

ok... i'm lazy to think adi... who want to get tagged.. just tag it.. haha!