Friday, February 1, 2008


listening >> One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey feats Boyz to Men

suddenly... not thinking of anything...
not working on paper works...
not thinking about BSMM...
not thinking about yellow house...
tat sec... totally nothing inside my mind...
only you...
i've been listening to the same song for hours...
sitting inside the car with my earphones pluck...
i'm hiding inside the music world again...
finally... i felt i am really tired..
i am! but i cant just leave like tat.
pressure... is like thousands and thousands of rocks on me!
trying to get everything done in time...
but i have only 24 hours a day...
i only use 3-4 hours to sleep everyday....
i want to get everything done in time...
so i would have time for you later..
but it seems my schedule is pack with different stuff...
i'm sorry... i can't find time for you!
is not tat you didn't existed...
is because i was really busy...
until i can't really have the time to focus on you...
thousand apologies!
i got blasted my pn Chong this morning...
do you noe?!
what can i do?!
i got to finish everything one by one...
and after tat i only can focus on something else...
but when the time comes...
is already 4 in the morning...
everyday got to be alert!
everyday got to be alive!
everyday got to do more and more things..!
everyday got meeting!
everyday got teacher look for me and complain!
everyday come home get scolding from my mom!
everyday my brother wants to cari gaduh with me!
everyday everyday everyday...!!!!!!
how many everydays do i need to face?
why am i still surviving today??
because you are there....
just imagine one day you leave..
i would just collapse...
and never get up agian...
i wish i just can stop the world from spinning...
just to get a minute to rest..!

-on the way to my grave-