Sunday, April 27, 2008

Malam Persaraan Pn. Pengetua

listening >> The Way You Look tonight by Tony Bennett

A-W-E-S-O-M-E !
it was a great night!!!!
weewoo.... everyone was so well dressed...

went to the salon yesterday afternoon...
and Kim took 2 hours fixing my hair...
and finally.... hmmm!!! geng ah!
i trust Kim's sense of style...
and she really made my night "the night"!
she did a good job on my hair....

me and evon went together...
when we reached The Palace Of The Golden Horses,
the 1st person i saw was See Hwei
and she was like "OMG! carol, you look so different!"
haha... i swear to god! everyone said the same thing!
they couldn't recognize me at all! until i went nearer towards them!
but yeah... it was kinda hard to recognize me! cause i was like~ another person yesterday night!
so many people took pics with me...
omg... i also dont noe where to get back my pics!
haha.. dont even ask me who are they...
cause i also dont noe them..
what the heck! haha! sorry ah!!!!
even teachers was also shock about my look!
HELL! is this a joke!
everyone assumed yesterday night's dinner was evon's wedding!
cam whore everywhere with everyone
wit frens, teachers, and Pn. Tan!
guess wat!!!!
we saw so many teachers.. or maybe... all the teachers!
Pn.Goh was in PINK!!!
looks like is her wedding after all!
haha... re-wed!
Pn. Daisy got the "BEST SMILE" award!
wat the heck!!!!!!!!!
"Fake Smile" gua?!!!
Pn. Choo got the "Best Dress" award...
that 1 nothing to say la...
cause she is the only teacher who have the sense of taste in school!
after the dinner...
the evon and kumu went up stage and dance! haha...

albums starts!

since when i became like tat ?
we are ready to kick tat party~

pn.ilmia and me!
pn.Wan Noraini and me...
Melissa and me
wow... intro (ying,evon,ca mun,me,jazz,agnes,li voon,corine and jo an! Da Seniorz!
even the school's most naughtiest boy became prince charming yesterday night!
and he is the one and only Kok Jun!
me and hong lim!
i adore him alot...! chee leong..
david and me
see hwei and me...
kit kit....

Wei hao...
owh~ me and Christine Sasa Pauline Lawrence Wong Loong Kun
jazz , evon and me
me and my peakky~!
wen yi, me and grace (they are my MRCS juniors!)

and this is the Lady of the night! our dearest pn. Tan!
just for the memory! we'll miss you!

-there are many pics yet to be uploaded.. havent get them yet, will be edited soon-