Friday, March 21, 2008

danced in da rain

listening >> With You by Chris Brown

it rained again today..
raining heavily....
sat on the bench, with my earphones on...
listening to this song...
suddenly looked the tapak perhimpunan...
my brain started to search the memories last 2 years ago...
i see 1 team, drilling in the middle of the rain...
and i was there with them...
the floor was flooded with rain water...
evon stood up...
said " i dont care, its just adidas"
walk to the middle...
and splashed me wit a kick on the floor...
rain water and sand was all over me...
i gave her a cold looked...
took down my earphone.....
kept my handphone...
and i went into the rain...
we splashed each other and so many ppl joined us...
then we walked to the middle of the skul...
and i started to dance!
yea... hip hop everywhere...
she joined along~
my mind was blank...
tat moment...
i just felt free....
no worries...
some teachers passed by...
pn rahayu~
swt... then got tired....
haha... old adi mah...
then we just walked in the rain~
thought a lot under the rain...
i was WET, my shoes was filled with rain...
my shocks~ haha... plenty to share~

before the rain... it was koko...
i met kin fang...
one of my seniors...
getting hotter these days...
i didn't even noe tat ying and jazz took part...
so ok...
they sang... not bad though!
keep it up gals... sure going to the finals!
haha.. dont noe why...
took so many pics...