Monday, December 29, 2008

dumb blog

listening >> gr

well.. this blog is almost dead if i dont update...
i think mushrooms will pop out infront of your screen right now!!!!
well.. before Christmas i was busy working..
well.. i went to One Utama for an Apple roadshow...
dam, the event was 5 days...
i went 4..
met some new friends over there...
kinda fun...
i've been playing my friends Ipod Touch for 2 straight days!!!
i was dying to get one that time...
but i cant!
no money...
well... hope i can get more money now...
i was totally sick while i was working!
had fever and flu and cough and headache...
worse part!!!!
ok ok ...
until now i am yet sick!!!
i spend my christmas eve and christmas with yan and trani.....
ok ok.....
and now....
erm... nothing much...
been going out everyday until i forgot wat day is today!!!
ok ok..
hold on!!!!!!!!!
i finally got the story book that my Rumah Kuning juniors promised me...
i got it today...
and the story was really amazing!!!
i love those turtles!!!!
thanks for all the hard work and effort tat you put in...
i finished it in the car while going to mid valley today!
ok..i wanna go now! ciaoz.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


listening >> If I Were A Boy by Beyonce

i think i am going to close down this blog...
cause i barely update these days...
i use to update my blog everyday...
but maybe i am getting old...
there are a few things to update...
i went to Barcelona on saturday..
omg! it was boring...
and the dance floor was so small...
there were plenty of stakers....
but they ain't staking me...
over all...
it was so DAM BORING!
met vicky on sunday...
overnite in Yan's house wit vicky...
my parents went to bali!!!!!!!!!!!!
for a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well.. it was their 24th anniversary?
i think so..
so i bet they are enjoying them self in bali....
well... (dont come bak wit another baby, then i am fine)
grandma and Ah Yi came to stay wit us for this week...
my youngest cousins obviously have to come along..
they are so dam noisy...
disturbing me from sleep in the morning!!
and making noise in my house for the whole day..!
quite boring these days...
i cant stay out late at night...
ah yi kept on nagging me....!!!
ok ok.. i want to go la...

Thursday, December 4, 2008


listening >> So What by Pink

well.. i went shopping wit Evon, Yoong Loong, Jazz and JJ yesterday..
we went to klcc in the morning...
i went to Topman,
i found this nice shirt....
so i was test it...
when i came out from the fitting room..
evon and jazz was like "fuck you..! you look like a boy..!!!"
so at the end,
i bought it....
and i wore it immediately..
and then...
we went to sunway pyramid....
i went to body glove and get the pants i wanted...
and i just wear it immediately again..
get some privates...
and done!
my 1st time to clubbing yesterday nite...
we went to Euphoria, Ministry Of Sound.
dam it was so dam nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love the dance floor....
it was so cool...
i've been dancing for 3 hours straight!!!
so nice!!!
i was bettling wit Gabby all night long...
it was so cool!
i wanna go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess you guys havent see my latest pics!
from left... JJ, Jazz and ME!!!
this is Yoong Loong, (evon's cousin) he is a cute dude... but i am not into him haha!!!!

i dont noe wat i was doing...!
i look retarted!this... er... i also dont noe!its yoong loong's vest...!
get the sign?!!! EUPHORIA!!!!!!!haha... we took pics after MOS
gang pic!
isn't she hot?! she is my new gal!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Its Sean!

listening >> If You Leave by Musiq Soulchild feat Mary J Blige

kinda tired yesterday...
so today i slept until 1pm..
went to Shoik as usual..
met Gabby and Hans for dinner..
Gabby's dad came along..
he is nice...
he treat me for dinner.. (thanks Uncle)
after that...
Sean called Gabby..
they had plans..
suddenly Gabby passed the phone to me..
talked to Sean..
it was funny..
while we were talking..
suddenly he was like "damn! i never seen a big lizard in my house before!"
i was like... "wat the fuck?"
he came...
and suddenly Gabby told Sean that Rebecca and the sis want to come out..
so Lucas wants to join cause he cant drive out..? or watever reasons la..
Sean send me home to change cause he ask me to join him..
by the time i came bak to Shoik..
i saw Lucas..
after that...
Sean said he doesnt want to go..
then Lucas was like...
hey, you coming?
i was like... "i'm following Sean's car.. so if he goes i'll go"
lucas went.. " go la... we are not ditching you.."
i dont care you guys la..
i just feel more comfortable hanging out wit Sean and Hans la..
so we went together to Rebecca's house..
then.. Sean told them we are not going..
at the end... Hans hopped into our car..
and we went to Nathans for tea...
Sean is a cute dude..!
told us many funny stories la..
my head is like... aching right now..
so i better get my ass to bed...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

real story

listening >> I'll Been Loving You Long Time by Mariah Carey feat T.I

long time didnt blog...
SPM is almost over...
1 more paper to go..
2 Dec.. i will fly..!
many things had happen this few weeks..
i fought wit Lucas and the gang..
i left the gang...
it was a long story...
something like....
they wanted to ditch me off for the other plans..
but they didnt... but i felt tat..
and i found out..
kinda sad and disappointed about the whole situation.
at the beginning.. i really was so disappointed tat i barely slept for 2 days..
2 days after tat...
alex called me, and he said he Lucas wants to see us and settle everything once and for all..
but when i arrived,
what i saw was Rebecca and Heather with the whole gang sitting together..
i thought for a sec...
hey... if you wanna settle... why u guys bring chicks along?
if you bring them along..
why call me out and settle everything..
come on... be a man la.
settle it with those who are involved...
i was really angry when i saw those gals there...
not because i am jealous..
but i just think, settle it like a man la!
Lucas and Gabby dare not come to say hi,
so they called Alex to come over to invite me and yan to the other table.
i said is alright cause i dont feel like sitting with them...
Lucas and Gabby finally came over..
i didnt say hi...
and then Lucas got pisted..
end of tat day..
i finally couldn't stand this crap anymore..
so i called Lucas and Gabby to come for a talk..
apparently, i dont noe what had happen..
it seems tat Lucas's parents found out he had quit his job in Shoik..
Leo came to Shiok to have a drink...
so we bum into each other and sat together..
Leo noe tat he had quit his job..
so happen Lucas drop Hans over to Shoik..
and he saw we talking...
he went home..
and he was mad about us telling his brother tat he quit his job..
but we didnt...
he got pisted and came to Shoik with the whole gang.
we settle everything today...
but i dont noe why was he lying all these while..
whats the point of lying?
i dont noe what good advantage that he gets...
but to me... its all bullshits.
the best part of the whole settlement was.....
suddenly, Lucas say...
The problem started wit Rebecca...
i was like.... "why say so?"
he went "its obvious, you and Alex were acting weird tat time"
i said " what you mean...? you think i am hitting on her?"
gabby and lucas said "yea!"
in my brains was like.. "swt! what the fuck?!!! come on... this is funny... i talk to gals like tat.... i always do so..."
but maybe they haven't see me talk to gals be4... thats why they think like tat la...
all i want is just to make friends and have fun..
why are they thinking so far away?!
what... so they think i am good enough tat Rebecca will fall for me?
if i want..
all i noe right now is....
Alex is a bitch la...
he is just another asshole...
Lucas and Gabby said that they dowan to ruin friendships...
but what were you guys doing to me these while?
trying to Ditch me Off from the gang...!
come on...
if it wasn't for me... you guys wont be friends...
but fine... i told them i wont go out with them anymore...
until now... i am yet still disappointed on Lucas...
well... dont talk about tat anymore la..
i went to sunway today...
it was kinda fun..
met Melanie,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SPM time table!

listening >> Love Story by Taylor Swift

ok ok...
1stly.. i wanna say...
whoever took part in planning the SPM time table this year..
Fuck You all....
how could you time it together while 2 papers are having at the same time!
Stupid! wear a specs la!!!
today was Arts 1..
we were quite cool...
around 2.30pm (half an hour later)
when the teacher said "sesiapa yang siap dan nak keluar, sila datang ke depan"
quoter of us just stood up and walk to the table in front..
pn.Chu was standing outside asking us...
why come out so early..
well.. i planned to leave at 2.30pm from the very beginning..
so i called yan to wait for me at 2.30pm to fetch me home..
i thought i have a 12 day break...
but the Paper 2 for Arts remains the same date and same time..
so i gotta go bak to school to draw next week!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


listening >> Crush by David Archulata

well... is almost the ending for spm for me...
today will start at 2.30...
damn it...
yesterday night we went to Nathan's for SiSha!!!
my 1st time..
and its good!
we ordered mix fruit plus mint...
it was nice..
water was licking from my nose..
but it was good...
headed home..
and i couldn't sleep...
around 4 something..
i only manage to get some rest..
but haiz...
got a bad night mare..
until i got shock and woke up..
and now....
i gotta get ready for my moral paper..
see you guys soon!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


listening >> Shake It by Metro Station

ok... things went wrong..
did i tell you my dad caught me smoking straight for 2 days?!
yea... i think i didnt tell you guys.. dad didnt tell my mum...
but... kinda scary now...
finally i am scared of something..
i am afraid of many things..
but just i wont tell you!
i dont noe why am i not tat afraid of things right now..
maybe i am leaving school...
so its like,
i wont get caught for something bad...
i have many things i didnt tell you bloggies..
why dont...
i tell everything today?

1st. I smoke
2nd. I am dating someone for sometime..
3rd. I'm an alcoholic!

well... is kinda only 1.2.3
haha.. sorry..
my mum brought me to LowYat Plaza today..
she said there was a PC fair going on..
so she asked me to check it out..
cause i will be getting 1 year end..
so i was looking around for Laptops..
I decided to aim for Sony Viao..
but mummy dont let!!!!!!
there was another few brands..
i think i will buy either Dell or Compact..
Acer is outta my list cause my uncle is using it..
he was like showing off his damn Laptop when he 1st brought it,
"my laptop got build in Camera.."
and continue bla-ing..
so... i am going to buy a better, nicer, hotter, cooler, than him!
i- such a child! hahahaha

=Picture Of The Day=

Friday, November 14, 2008


listening >> What Cha Thinking About That by Pussycat Dolls feat Missy Elliot

i finally noe how the meaning of Cups in B.R.A type!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Spm had started!!!

listening >> That's What You Gets by Paramore

it had arrived...
the papers was.... ok...
4 down, 4 more to go!
it was kinda fun...
cause i would be throwing book from my staircase..
" A throw book ceremony!"
the 1st and 2nd day of SPM was tiring..
today was better...
i ended my paper around 11.10am..
so i left the classroom..
and went home..
slept until 5.30pm..
wow.... am i tat tired?
Yes i am!

Friday, November 7, 2008

last memories from high school

listening >> Just Stand Up by Various Artist

Yesterday was the last day of school for me..
and all the form 5 from our school..
in the morning..
the 1st step of walking into school again..
it was like.... scary...
cause there is only form 5 students in school...
the school was empty...
walking around...
memories appears...
thinking bak...
when i was just form 1...
and now...
3 more weeks to leave this school..
i think i might miss the old days in high school wit my frens..
we shook hands wit most of the teachers in school for the last time..
Pn.Ilmia and Pn. Fauziah nearly cried when they saw me..
we hugged...
i think they were the teachers tat loved me in school...
Pn. Hanu was so damn fake..!
haha... just make me laugh...
took tonz of pictures...
our last memories in high school...

well.. this is my high school...
group pic!!
seriously... i dont noe what i was doing...!
dreamdude?..david and evon..
i really dont noe wat i was doing...i guess i wanted to become superman?show off!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hector Olivera

listening >> Today by Joshua Radin

WOO! can believe it...
SPM is in another 6 days?
yea i guess so...
well... was kinda busy these days...
worked for a concert in KLCC Convention Centre wit my dad and lucas and Yan..
it was.... wow! cool~
i spend the whole day in KLCC....
had good food through out the day...
Thanks to Catherine!
fall sick the other day.. haha...
i was kinda busy tat day...
runing in and out...
calling those KLCC workers to do things...
kinda fun doing tat..
I love Events!
so... yea!!!
the Organist was Hector Olivera
A great great person..
very funny dude...
he is one of the greatest organist in the the world...
he is from Argentina..
the songs he plays was tremendous...
the played "Fight Of The BumbleBee"
it was... freaking FAST!!!
with hands and legs together..
he also played "Dont Cry For Me Argentina"
it was so touched!!!
i gotta go now!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


listening >> The Way That I Love You by Ashanti

have not been studying anything these days...
well..... i also celebrates Deepavali..
i went to sunway for 2 days straight...
doing nothing...
1st time felt sunway pyramid is fucking a bored place to be alone..
maybe i had too much time spending it alone..
so i've been thinking...
"what if i am gay?"
"how would it be in college?"
"will i be forgotten in high school?"
"will i miss high school?"
"am i tat cool as those people say?"
"am i a heartbreaker?"
"did i over reacted in high school?"
"did i killed someone without noticing from marching?"
"so wat if i have gay friends?"
"do i have time to go bak to high school next year?"
"can i pass my SPM?"
"can i go to California to see the Live Ellen DeGeneres Show?"
"can i meet Portia De Rossi too?"
"can i stay beside Ellen's house?"
"will i really become gay someday?"
"will my friends accept if i am gay?"
"will all my friends attend my 18th B'day?"
"can i go bak to school next week to take all the pictures wit all my juniors?"
"am i gonna cry cause i will miss them?"
"will they remember me?"
"or will they be happy cause i am leaving high school soon?"
"should i go bak to high school to visit them next year?"
i guess i've been over thinking these days...
owh! i think i am gonna cry..!
maybe is like...
when i go bak next year...
those people will be like..." who is this fellur who tries to act cool over here... old freak!!!!"
i dont think i wanna go bak to high school!!!!
getting a phobia!!!!
i think i will be going bak to school for my last day of schooling on next friday!
for some pics..
well... bloggies...
good nite...
sleep tight...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ellen Degeneres

listening >> Good Good by Ashanti

i'm addicted....
to "The Ellen Degeneres Show"
i am addicted to Ellen Degeneres!
i think she is really very cool staying in the age of 50 yet jokes around every waking moments..
she became my Idol man!!!!!
just love to see her show so much...
what a talented women she is...
she is successful, and just newly wed to Portia De Rossi!
DAMN!!! Portia is freaking beautiful!!!
Lucky Ellen!
their wedding pics were...
marvelous pics!!!!

nothing much to blog about myself..
cause besides studying,
i did nothing..
my mum... she cut this out for me to read..
well... all i can do is just laugh!!!!

whats the problem wit Fatwa?
come on...
so wat if gals wanna become tomboys?!
they hav their life to live...
last frase...

Monday, October 20, 2008


listening >> Move Shake by Pitbul

SPM is like...
another few more weeks..
guess... end of my high school life is almost over..
i heard those people will hate school life when you are studying,
but you will miss it when you are in college or working..
i dont noe about that...
cause i always hated schooling..
these days..
i guess i am really pumping myself...
pumping books la..!
i dont pump nowdays..
well.. i am getting Older!!! as in Old type..
no energy to pump like last time...
thinking bak around May or June..
BSMM time..
wow... cant imagine how much effort i put in..
my friend asked me...
why do you put more effort in other activities but not studies?!
i gotta say tat... i am not a study type of person..
in fact... i loved BSMM, and other activities more than studies..
looking at those pics tat we took earlier this year..
my bunch of lil juniors were marching hard in the mean time getting scold by this Evil Bitch (ME)
haha... felt so cruel! haha
so juniors out there, please dont curse me!
everyone noe tat i hated maths alot...
but i've gotta say,
tat i am pumping my maths even though i say i hate it,
i nearly Killed Jimboy due to him teaching me maths..
now i noe tat i missed out many topics..
but hope i can learn it in time..
having maths tuition for 5 hours on saturday nite wit Jim..
and had 2 an a half hours wit Catherine today..
my brains are like..
Gonna burst!
but no choice la...
for SPM, for Credits and for Sunway College..
i fucking have to force myself to love maths now..
if not... i will fail it..
haha... well.. this is a motivation to myself!
all the best everyone..!
ohya.. juniors..
i noe i have missed many things in my life..
so you guys better cherish every learning moment you have..
some teachers sucked in school..
but if you hate them.. go for tuition..
it helps..

"if you wanna love the subject,
love the teacher first..
then you will understand wat the heck it tat subject all about!"


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

end of the day..

listening >> Always Be My Baby by David Cook

is kinda late right now...
was studying just now..
eyes getting blur..
so i think lets call it a day...
nothing much had happen today..
some fights with my mum and brother...
the worse thing i felt....
i didnt even get a chance to explain..
and my mum just kept on scolding..
i got fed up..
i have nothing to talk to my mum...

Monday, October 13, 2008





Thursday, October 9, 2008

All in 1

listening >> 612星球 by S.H.E

S.H.E finally released their latest album...
ahhh.... i'v been waiting almost a year for it..
well... i'm a BIG FAN!
so whoever dislikes them,
you better dont talk about them infront of me..
if not the next thing you noe is tat you will be whack nor curse kao kao from me!
felt so tired these days..
dont noe wat had happen to me..
i've been sleeping alot previously..
like... i sleep around 2am and wake up at around 11.30,
take my "so called" breakfast,
and 1pm... i'll go bak to bed and wake up at 4pm...
what the heck?!
well... people who noe me well noe tat i am "sleepable"
my record was 25 hours...
i dont noe why..
dont laugh!!!
started studying for SPM...
1 months time to the big war..
well.. after the war...
Me and my friends are having hugh plans..
we are going up to penang again for GOOD FOOD..
gonna spend a few days up there..
enjoy and relax ALOT..
just a small group of friends around 5 person..
1 gay, all gals..
tats why..
whoever wish to sonspor me something,
dont worry... all i need is cash~
gotta save up to spend in penang...
and somemore... there will YEAR END SALE!
WACHA... shopping... here i come..
but basically..
i dont shop like normal gals do..
cause i am GAY!
my wish list is just a few..
- CDs!!!
yea.. i told you is just a few..
so... anyone wish to sponsor me?
i can sense tat after SPM...
time will pass very quick..
and good news to all bloggies...

On The Year 2009, January 15.
still planning...
i noe some people out there will say...
why plan so early..
its because i want everything to be perfect on my 18th b'day!
i only hav it once in a life time..
and my dad is sponsoring..
alcohol and liqouirs are provided...!
dont worry~!!!
guest list is not out yet..
whoever i am going to invite...
i wanna go watch "Ps. I Love You" now..
and sleep later...

:Picture of the day:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Penang Trip

listening >> 月光手札 by S.H.E

i guess you bloggies got bored wit my blog cause i didnt update it for a long time?
i went bak to Penang for the raya!
eh eh eh eh... FYI again...
Aku bukan malay!
i dont celebrate raya...
i just went bak because there was long holiday!
stayed in my condo over there..
so basically we just spend on food and shopping!
the food there was---------WOW..
i walap every single food is available in penang!
my god..
i think i am fat d..
then we went to Feringgi to buy DVDs..
i walap almost 12 DVDs just for myself!
i have only 2 aims to go to penang..
1. FOOD!
2. DVDs!
everything in penang is way cheaper than Kl...
the food, and the best thing... DVDs..
is only 4 bucks...for 1...
so whatever movie i want...
i just take..
and my dad pay!
wahaha.... (sorry, i am a spoil brat!)
i guess i put on weight now..
OMG! I"M FAT!!!!!!!
dam... if i stay in penang...
i guess when you go up to penang and look for me...
you will probaby see a FAT me...
or maybe you will ask.. "who the heck are you!"
i met my cousins there..
they are so cute..
i bet u all also wanna see how cute at them?
dont worry...
i got pics!!!!!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Kings

listening >> MamaMia by MamaMiaS?

well... went to sunway yesterday..
kinda funny la..
went wit Lucas, Alex
I told Lucas...
"hey pundek! wear nicely ah!"
and the second thing i noe...
he was in a Shirt!
those formal kind...
he looked so serious!
then i was like....
ok ok...
then i change to my shirt in the car too...
coincidentally i brought my shirt along cause i want to put in Yan's house..
so i changed along..
then we went to alex's house to pick him up...
he was in his Hip-drop style..
so we said...
"ooi fucker! go change la..!"
so he changed along...
so it was like...
3 guys in semi-formal look walking around in sunway!
Yan came along later..
we went for snooker,
and Lucas was complaining about his front hair blocking him..
so he asked Yan to buy hair clips for him...
with "Strawberry"!
he look so fucking retarded Gay!

Alex suddenly say..
Lucas is the King of Snooker,
I'm the King of Pool,
and when it was to me..
he had no words..
so i said..
so we lepak and lepak and lepak until 1 something in d morning..
ok we woke up at 1 something
go lunch in shoik..(as usual)
for the pass 2 weeks..
we have been visiting shoik everyday!
so basically,
we are VIPs...
after tat..
went to sunway again..
wit my family..
cuz they wanted to watch MamaMia!
it was nice...
damn.. i miss the old songs..
I love Pierce Brosnon!
is like...
when those casts sang those songs..
everyone in the cinema will be like "OWH!"
its like..a oldies concert
then after that..
met Evon, April and Yao Hui,
went for "tea" wit them..
chit chat..
and so on...
and Evon Wong always love to kacau me..
lolz... had alot of fun la..
and now..
i am fucked bored!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mah Jiong

listening >> Crazy In Love by Beyonce

it was just another normal day today...
so we decided to go to my grandma's house...
keep her acc0mpanyed...
we prefer to play games wit her...
to keep her away for Alzheimer
and the game we play
is the king of all games ---'' Mah Jiong"
many people doesn't understand the concept of "Mah Jiong"
so they dont like it...
Aka---- my mum and Yan
but mum kinda interested in it..
ok ok ..
i learn Mah Jiong in the age of 5?
yea.. 5 or 6...
and i have been playing it around 11 years?
well.. bloggies..
dont be like me..
my mum use to say tat i am a bloody gambler...
cause every chinese new year..
we will gamble..
but well..
i dont play big....
i just stick to our family rule...
2bucks 4 bucks..
ok ok...bak to just now..
started losing around 15 bucks at the beginning...
but after a few rounds...
my turn to win..
i almost won around 50 bucks...
gave all the coins to bak my grandma..
cuz it was too much.. and i dowan to take home...
gave all the lil cousins some pocket money...
and stuck bak some money into my grandma's purse when she didnt notice...
me and Alden always do tat...
cause we wont her money but when we give her bak..
she doesn't wanna take it ...
so we just gotta do it secretly behind her back..
lolz... but every time sure catch us doing it..
then we will run around like chickens.. and scream~
at the end....
my wallet only have 15 bucks..
some people say i am stupid...
but is just a game that we enjoy playing as a family activity...
so even though we win alot.... we will still share..
well.. i always keep this quote while i gamble...
"when you win, you should share, then you will win more... then you should share more"

friday nite

listening >> Spotlights by Jennifer Hudson

we were suppose to go to Barcelona yesterday night...
but because of some stupid reasons...
i got fed up... so we end up didnt go to barcelona..
we decided to go sunway also..
me, Lucas and Yan went for a movie...
"Money No Enough 2"
it was funny at the beginning...
but when its almost the end..
it was really sad...
its meaningful...
but we just dowan to see the movie again..
then me and Lucas went for supper..
i reach home around 3.30am...
ok tats all...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

trials... Over

listening >> 梨花香 by 李于春

trials is OVER!!!!!!!!!
its time to parthay people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally stressless~
today was kinda...
ok... fine...
my nose bleed like mad today just right after my recess~
then while doing paper 2...
bleed again
got so fed up...
terus sleep...
juniors... please dont follow me...
is not a good thing
is time to rest...
gotta take a good rest..
i nearly forgotten!
just now me, Yan and Lucas went to shoik..
we saw a wira pass by...
it was Yan's parents in the car..
they were snicking only lucas cause we said he was Yan's boyfriend..
then after tat..
and my parents asked me...
is tat Lucas?
i was like "yea~"
so eventually...
Lucas became both our boyfriends in a sudden...
tats so hilarious..
we were laughing non stop in Shoik~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the old days..

listening >> Love In The Club Remix by Usher feat Beyonce plus Lil Wayne

nothing much these days..
only everynite out for "Tea" wit a bunch of friends..
i met Chee Wei, Vincent, and the one and only Chee Leong today..
i was so happy...
i still remember the old days while i was in form 1..
"The Famous 5"
i was still young...
1st year of secondary school...
such a idiot then...
i recall..
i was a good friends with the famous 5..
all the admires always run up to me and ask me
" Are you Joel's girl friend?"
Joel was the best looking guy among the 5s..
he was my neighbor!
and we knew each other for 8 to 9 years before studying in S4..
when i think back..
its so funny...
i always hang out with them..
so i bet those admires curse me alot..
especially i shared drinks wit Joel..
hahaha.. tats hilarious..
we are too close..wat to do?
and Chee Leong..
doubt he wasn't one of the 5s..
but he was also popular in school..
cuz he is a magician...
and i love him alot..
he thought me magic...
but now...
i'm a lousy one..
cause i never practice..
the old days are over..
but it was a memory to keep forever..
and we should look forward to life..

Ps :: (myself) Cheer up.. you hav a long way to go..and even though your surgury is not successful, yet.. u hav a life to live..! someone important is waiting for you now and always... and you will have spenty of supports from your friends tat care about you... face live like a man, dude! life might be short, but make it exciting! Go Jen!!!

hehe.. sorry ah... Ps too loooooong~

Saturday, September 20, 2008

bad new..

listening >> Celebrate Me Home by Ruben Studdard

yesterday was Econs paper..
i was kinda disappointed cuz i couldn't make it for the paper..
i bet Pn. Chua will question me wit thorns about it...
i have a reason for not being in school...
maybe is stress??
my head started aching for the pass few days..
and my nose bleeding like shit...
over and over and over again..
which got me so fed up..
so my dad decided to bring me for a check up yesterday in Sunway Hospital~
bad news bloggies..
for your information...

for my nose..
kinda complicated...
dont noe wat went wrong wit my right nose..
dont get me wrong..
i am not going to put a fake nose on like Michael Jackson
just a surgery inside my nose...
i heard...
if its not really successful...
i might cant smell anything wit my right nose anymore..
i just have to leave it to God..
but is alright...
Cheer up Jen!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mushroom Vampire!!! AHHHH!!

listening >> Dangerous by Akon feat Kardinal Offishall

today was Arts paper..
so eventually..
only those who take arts students only go to school today...
is like...
only 58 students from form 5 went to school today..
tats a number!
there were 6 question for drawing..
but we only hav to draw 1.
so i decided to draw....
the mushroom vampire..
Yan and Evon said it must be a scary 1..
so this is my creation!
if you have heart attack...


my mushroom vampire!!!!!! Scary leh?!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

new house

listening >> Ocean Deep by Cliff Richard

nothing much had happen these days...
finally had a good sleep after the tired exams last whole week..
yesterday nite...
my "kai zai" kit kit's mum invited Yan's family and me for dinner..
after tat we went to their new house to visit!
so dam nice man..
42inch sony bravia!!!
black and white sofa~
king size bed!
dah giler...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

1st week of trials..

listening >> There's Nothing by Sean Kingston

well... didnt really update my blog for nearly a week
so the 1st subject is BM,
following, english, moral, and history!
it nearly killed me...
bm was ok ok...
still can managed...
english was.... also ok ok...
didnt really have enough time... but... i did finish the paper...
hope Hanu doesn't give me low low marks..
just because she hates me!
wanna noe why..
loooooooooong story!
we fpught last year...
more details.. can look for me..
finally went back to school for 4 days in a row..
felt so tired up!
the moment i came home....
is the moment of sleeping!
is like...
the " i need to sleep" quote will pop out in my brain and wants me to sleep
thought of studying..
but at the end..
ok ok ...
i gotta go sleep now!
need Rest!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

weekend update

listening >> Because You Love Me by Celine Dion

been laughing for the whole weekend till today...
kinda enjoyed all the laughter...
had some chit chat nitez...
stayed in Yan's house for 2 days...
kinda tired until both of us were like pigs...
we watched "Love Guru" last week...
and we are still talking about it...
makes me laugh all day along


best part was my Idol-
Jessica Alba dancing in a Sari!!!!!!!
and singing Hindi song!
laugh like mad!!!

tomoro is the starting for Trials!!
hope tat i have 5 credits la!!
just gotta pray hard and absorb as much as possible right now!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

meet up wit the gang..

listening >> Listen by Beyonce Knowles

been waking up 8.30am for the pass whole week...
gotta accompany Yan...
and i only get to sleep 4am in d morning..
go out for nearly the whole everyday..
today was special...
i got to meet hsiny and tharani...
it was almost half a year that we all didnt meet up and talk the whole day...
we're crapping the whole day...
went to sushi king for breakfast...
after tat... Chillies! for lunch..
wow... lunch was cool..
we sat there for almost 2 hours plus...
just to talk and talk and talk...
after tat...
Yan got sick..!
ah....~~~ poor thing..
went to the doctor wit her...
around 8.15pm..
she say she have breathing difficulties..
run to her house..
when she open the door..
her face was white in color...
thank god she is fine now...
caught up wit fever and running nose plus fever..!
hope tat she will get well soon...
i didnt noe there was a kitten in her shoe rack outside her house..
i saw something small moving..
so i took a look...
DAMN... MA KA HAI!!!!!!
tat kitten scare me to death man...
it wanted to come in to the house!
when i left the house...
auntie asked me to bring the cat away..
Ahhhhh... NO WAY!!!
i dont like cats..
but at the end..
i used my keys and made tat cat follow it...
how smart of me...
hehehehe ....
well... i can feel the "sick" is coming...
so better get more rest now..

Ps :: Lai Kah Yan... get well soon!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merdeka Countdown

listening >> Kiss Goodbye by Wang Lee Hom

yesterday night was the best Merdeka countdown tat i ever experienced..
we gathered some friends...
bought 2 cartons of Carlsberg and some pizzas..
evon, yan, lucas, kun, hao, kc, may, ling, alex and jass...
we started at yan's house...
then we moved to the one and only Bk 5 padang atas!
we thought there will be many people up there waiting for fireworks..
but in the end,
there was nobody up there..
so we rule the padang like its ours!
we drank alot...
running around,
taking tonz of pictures wit evon's new canon camera..
screaming out loud...
dancing wit those polls...
and we played Truth Or Dare..
but eventually...
we only Dare It...
played a few rounds...
this is the 1st time tat i was involved so madly in this game..
instead doing stupid stuffs..
like singing and dancing...
we turned into... WALAH!!
Yan, Evon, Jazz ended up taking their Bras off infront of everyone...
Lucas, Kc, Hao tooked their Pants off!!
i was squeezing Lucas's nipples the whole night..
so i think... he has 666 nipples right now...
i guess... i gotta buy him a expensive bra for his up coming B'day~
or... maybe buy "Boost Up" for him to drink..
obviously there is no toilets in padang atas..
so end up...
everyone pee behind the trees... hahahah!!
we fly kisses to everyone...
climb up and down,
acting like monkeys..
everyone enjoyed yesterday night..
it was a very fun night..!
like wat Yan said...
"welcome to the gang"
never had so much fun for a long time..
too bad queenie and the gang wasn't here...
if not...
the night would never end...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

big fight

listening >> Burning Up by Jonas Brothers

was in a big fight wit my parent just now..
why parents like to accuse their children?!
i choose to be quiet...
so let them talk!
no matter they are accusing me or not!
i never talk bak!
not because i felt guilty!
is because i am tired of talking about it again and again until there is no end!!!
now i learn another new word...
if is me who is making the family so miserable..
so from today onwards!
i am not going to talk in my house with anyone!
sounds better?!!!!!
done wit my life!
i hate my life!
and i hate to be threaten...
tat makes me wanna kill someone!!

25 Aug 08

listening >> 大城小愛 by 王力宏

yesterday...hmm... not really yesterday...
it was monday...
Yan's B'day...
we had a great time...
it was a lot of fun...
i remembered...
i was dancing wit Queenie on the sofa...
no matter slow song or fast song...
is not a problem...
we were kinda gay gay dei!
we went for korean dinner at night...
it was cheap...
ok ok ... gtg now...

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Listening >> You And Me by Life House

kinda tired because of working..
woke up at 5.30 in d morning on saturday...
ended my work around 2am..
and home at last at 4am today..
slept till 4 something..
bla bla bla...
met chuan li and su mei again yesterday...
and bla bla bla again..
good nite!

Friday, August 22, 2008


listening >> Wherever You Will Go by The Coming

3 more days to go

catching a cold now...
school is starting in 2 days time...
and i'm here catching a dam cold!!!
meeting jin wen and the gang tomoro
they wanna go skating woh..
scared la..
it has been along time tat v didnt skate..
i wonder...
how would it be, if you skate with the one you love?

Thursday, August 21, 2008


listening >> Unforgettable by Nat King Cole feat Natalie Cole

4 more days to go

today was a shocking day...
my mum suddenly said..
"hey, lets have a look at the new houses in Taman Desa"
why the fuck wanna get a new house?
i dowan to move now!!
maybe few years later but not now...
after we went to the showroom..
ok... we can consider about it...

the master bedroom..second bedroom... my room... wahaha
got alot of mirrors... YaY
the 3rd room...

Monday, August 18, 2008

holiday... haiz!

listening >> You And Me by Sarah Brightman feat Liu Huan

6 more days to go

holidays started d..
too me is like....
everything is getting worse...
havent been getting good sleeps these few days..
bigger problems ah!!!!!!!!
no money ah!!!!
dam sad ah!!!!!!!
guess no one will understand me now...
maybe there is 1..
maybe Evon..
GOD, please help me!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Itu Kamu

listening >> Itu Kamu by Estranged

9 more days to go

it has been ages i never liked malay songs..
but this is nice...
thanks Evon for the intro
went to sunway for awhile...
mummy wanna go buy thing woh...
went and cut my hair again...
working next week mah..
gotta look good la!
friday night always free,
so i went to Yan's house to lepak,
there was a Mint Chocolate in her fridge,
i cari cari...
eh got another 12 pieces underneath...
wah.. tunggu ape...?! terus ambik je!
Yan was so pissed...
tak de ape2 happen today la...
so... ciaoz!

Friday, August 15, 2008

late dinner.. or early breakfast?

listening >> Stranger In The Night by Frank Sinatra

10 more days to go

blogging now.. kinda late huh?
i just finished cooking my dinner..
kinda hungry,
didnt eat anything for the whole day..
dreaming too much these days..
ohya... forgot..
yan twisted my neck...
how great!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


listening >> Moon River by Frank Sinatra

11 more days to go

today... was kinda ok...
nothing much happen...
it seems tat everyone in my school got picked for NS..
i really dowan to go..
looking bak at my previous posts yesterday night..
many memories..
time really passes really fast...
some people say...
when you are leaving this world soon,
there are many scenes popping out..
and then... not for long..
you are saying your last bye byes to the world...
i wonder is it true?
i only can experience tat when i am going to die...!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

National Service

listening >> Yesterday by Leona Lewis

13 more days to go

well... rumors saying tat the National Service name list is out..
everyone out there...
kinda disappointed actually..
i wont want to waste my time serving for the country by going to stupid camps..
wat malaysia wants?!
women warriors?
come on...
if there is really a war coming up...
i will definitely run away..
not worth fighting for my own country..
i thought malaysia is a country tat treats all races the same..
but why chinese and indians are mistreated?
if there is a voting whether should we have NS..
i believe...
no one wants to vote for NS!
disappointed in everything...
my country, my family, NS!
i'm way pissed!

God... why do you wanna play this on me? if you wanna punish me for my previous acts..
just do anything but not NS! haiz...

Monday, August 11, 2008


listening >> Far Away by Nickelback

14 more days go to

was so boring today,
didnt even got the mood to study today..
kinda not feeling well today..
so yan gave me a silly game to play...
quite fun...
i wonder if there is more funny questions...
9 more days to go...
go go go go go~~~~~~~!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

family love...

listening >> Empty by The Click 5

15 days to go...

rewind time to 1994,
when i was a 3 year old...
my dad and mum always bring me to the park opp our old house..
there i was...
cycling on my little bike with 2 extra wheel behind..
my dad will follow me wherever i go... just to keep an eye on me...
but 1996...
everything had changed....
all in a sudden,
daddy and mummy left me playing alone...
or maybe... i never went to the park and have fun anymore...
because my brother was born...
i was jealous... yes i was...
but there is nothing i can do.. but just to accept...
by forced... i did...
and my life sucked more and more...
my brothers was not home...
left me and my parents...
i felt like i was 5 again..
we made our garden together...
my dad and i walk my bike to the petrol station to pump the tires...
the best part was... my dad cycled me home...
it was like... 13 years ago....
sorry to say... I was lack of family love for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time...

A Friend

listening >> Let Me Be The One by Cliff Richard

take a look at life...
doubt you may say,
"i'm a teen, i only have experienced life 1o over year only."
but... still...
what will you think about your life?
what was your best memories?
what was your best success though all these years of living?

some people say.. "life is too short to experience everything."
some people say.. "falling down is part of a chapter in life."
some people also say.. "friends are important in life."
izzit true?

did anyone of you out there.... got backstab from your friends?
have you ever cried for "friendship"?
have you ever felt disappointed in friendship?

i was disappointed in friendship be4, cried also... got backstab too...
but end up...
you will realize...
no matter how many friends you have,
are they truly your friends tat you can trust?
if you have thousand of friends...
but you have none to trust...
well... tat mean you don't own one..

A Best Friend...
who is someone when you needed help... they will back you up no matter what...
A Best Friend...
who is someone that you are willing to trust and deserved you to do so...
A Best Friend...
who doesn't care if you are good or bad, they will still believe in you..
A Best Friend...
when you cry, with a word unspoken, they will understand..
A Best Friend...
Is someone, tat you will heart them deeply..

When a thought is broken,
just by a tender word of yours...

all i can say...
we live in a world full a challenges...
all challenges you can think or can't think of...
tats why we live, tats why god made us for...

EVON, I Cherish YOU!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


listening >> Some People by Cliff Richard

well... Olympics started yesterday....
actually was the Opening Ceremony~
but I've gotta say... chinese really rock...
the opening ceremony was fantastic!!!!
the performance was wonderful...

you noe bloggies,
time passes really fast...
1 year ago... i had 3 best frens...
on the 27th of June,
2 left me by breaking my heart into millions of pieces..
but.. another 2 frens came into my life...
we had great fun,
we drink, we danced, we shopped, we cam whore and much more....
but now... the other 2 is like fading away from me and evon...
so is like... bak to Me and Evon...
many ppl asked me...
why you cared for Evon so much?
the only reason i can give is,
because when everyone left me, she didn't. she stood there for me...
tats my reason.

when i was in yan's house,
i went out to the balcony,
i looked out....
memories flash bak....
how stupid i was in d old days..
never felt like dumb.
at the end... i just smiled.

wanted to wake up for breakfast wit Evon,
but i was too tired cause i slept at 4 this morning,
cuz i was busy watching the repeat for the Olympic Opening Ceremony..
so at the end.... i woke up at 1.40 just now...
haha... i'm a pro in sleeping..!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

i learned

listening >> I Can Go The Distance by Phill Collins

i finally went bak to school to pass up my absents letter..
i went to see pn.ilmia today...
i cant get my cert bak..
cause of some reasons..
we had a long chat....
almost for 3 hours..
1 thing i like pn.ilmia is because she is an understanding person...
she gave me a phase "If You Think You Are Right, Fight Back For Your Rights!"
now i am gonna do alots more to get bak my rights..
i was in the silence for too long....
too long...
so i wanna stand up and fight back...
and i am going to do it in the right way..
evon said...
even though i said i gave up on pbsm...
but my heart is still in there..
because of people's acts,
because of misunderstandings,
because of ppl over using their powers,
tat got us to make a decision tat we never wanted to make
evon... i am gonna fight back not just for me...
i'm gonna do it for US!
to prove we are right at the 1st place..
the second thing i noe..
i am welcomed to help next year...
teacher said... you are always welcome to come back..
if i hav the time...
i will come bak no matter wat...
so juniors....
get prepared for a new starting next year..
and prepared to get scolding by me..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

beer remix...

listening >> 日不落 by 蔡依林

well... nothing much these days...
lepak wit lucas and leow wit yan on sat.
when for alcohol...
Scout plus Carlsberg
kinda nice... then v added coke!
dont try this... cause it will make you drunk very fast...
but i can still tahan...
small matter only...
haha..everything is going fine...
not to worry...
will be bak to school very fast...
i think....
the best slogan awards goes to Lucas Lim!
listen up...

I'm boostilious,
over all,

I'm Delicious!

well... haha... this got me laughing for 3 days...!
imagine tat...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

friday night out

listening >> Label Of Love by Fergie

yesterday was the last meeting for BSMM,
so we dicided to have games..
it was kinda like amazing race + fear factor.
so.... kinda fun running around in the school...
everyone was searching for me like mad...
running from block C to block A, block B to block D...
i ran nearly every single corner in my school...
after tat.. evon, me and ying decided to go for a movie in IoI mall..
cuz we were studying like mad these while...
so kinda get a time to chill out relax...
we went for The Dark Knight
damn this is the better then iron man, superman, and spider man..
this movie is so damn good...
is almost around two and a half hours...
tat joker was so damn fucking insane!!!!
batman was so........ OK... cool....
rachael was kinda old looking in this movie...
but nvm...
ying wanted to join us... but her mum was waitting outside d mall
so... like tat,
we wanted to go to starbucks and grab a cup of drink...
but it was closed...
so we left...
after tat... i turned around..
i saw someone waving at me..
so i went in again... and take a look
guess who i saw?!
it was Corina...
long time didnt see her...
the supervisor was kinda a cute guy..
we treated us 2 cups of Iced Shake Tea Lemonate
guess i was also quite lucky...
we went bak to evon's house wit Lucas's ride...
we drank beer all night long....
around 3 something....
we went to rishard to grabe a bite...
we met Fazz... and max...
so.... ya... tats all i guess...

Ps:: Juniors... all the best in your july test..!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


listening >> Angel by Leona Lewis

finally...started tuition today....
it was......everyone is from my school...
haha... smk 4(2)!!
met ghin shi there...
he stupid bastard!!!
dont ask me why...
its fucking hilarious!!
finally Maths!!!
omg... i really couldn't understand wat the teacher was teaching about for the 1st 15min
but... haha.. at least i understand after tat...
i studied science last night... ahhh...
until around 4 in d morning!
kinda tired...
my mum didnt woke me up this morning..
so just let it be loh...
i met Wong Car Men in success too...
she sat wit me today....
better dont talk much..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

bak to school....for meeting..

listening >> Time Of My Life by David Cook

wow... it has been a long time tat i haven't been to school..
went bak to take bak all my books from my locker..
i wonder why...
so many ppl asked me the same question..
"hey, you stop schooling?!"
no la.... aiyo...
wanna bring those books bak and study adi la...
trials is on the way...
so better study hard now...
went bak for bsmm meeting...
is a good thing tat everyone agrees on me coming bak...
kinda happy...
at least they know tat i am not wrong afterall..
chen shin came up to me today and apologize..
i was kinda shock...
he said he was quite emo today...
haha... he felt tat he should apologize..
so he did...
well... i forgive him anyway...
no point having another enemy right?
"welcome bak Carol!"
i am bak to serve bsmm once again!
i dont noe whether his apologies have any other intension..
nvm la...
he said sorry. so i'm fine wit tat...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bangkok part 5

listening >> I Will Be by Leona Lewis

Part 5

i swear... this is the last post!!!

ok ok... bak to Bangkok... we went for Thai massage!!!
its so cheap over there..... rm25 for 1 hour!!!!
wah... sure enjoy la... if not go there for wat?
leg was so pain after all the walking...
so time to relax...
straight on for 2 nites somemore..

its Geli ok!!!
harlo!we went to Big C ( something like giant) for our last war!!!! BUY AHH!!!!!
we brought everything bak to KL !!! wahaha
we went for chicken rice at nite... i guess it was to delicious until my mum got HIGH!!!
chak kak!!!
tuk tuk.....

me and mandy
cousins meeting!! " so.. who is the 1 who runs to get the sits tonite?!!!" i guess this is all....
Bangkok shopping rocks!!!
i wanna sit tuk tuk again!
there is a good place for shopping!!!!

-The End-